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Stabbing, or “How Knife-Fighting and Defense Pan Out” KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Apr 27


How a knife fight really looks. There are 4 different classes of observing a violent incident. Two of them identify with the Victim. The other two identify with the knife man. Read below and recognize the danger in observing this video the way you do (and judging from the comments you’ve probably failed already and are seeing it from class III)

IV: The socialized individual that identifies with the victim. This observation is focused completely on the realization that a man has been stabbed 13+ times… and it could easily be them. This is a common perspective, held by most people. It is exploitable, and precisely the reason that people succumb to intimidation.

III: The socially-trained fighter that recognizes the failure on the victim’s part. This observation is hallmarked by comments such as “I would have done this..” or “He totally could have blocked that if he knew…”.
This level of observation focuses on ‘training to not be victimized’. This viewpoint is less common, but starts with self-evident failure and then tries to rectify it.

II: The socio- or psychopath. This person identifies with the knife man. They recognize success (e.g. killing a man), and will use footage or anecdotes as data to improve their own performance. As an example:
Stabs Blackmon 67 times. The Medical Examiner stated that 2 of those injuries were fatal. The violence-minded would watch that and see themselves as Troy Kell. Thankfully, a jury would watch that and see themselves being savaged by Kell. The sports combatant might see that and see themselves fending off Kell’s accomplice and taking the knife from Kell.

I: Goal-oriented… identifying the successful person in this incident (read: stabber, not stabbee), and looking to improve upon their performance. Your goal is to see the video on the left (or in the link) and see yourself as the knife man. How can you best accomplish what they did. How can you do it better? Can you beat a 32.5:1 ratio of lethal injuries? How would you go about that? What is the goal? What is superfluous? Observing in this manner makes footage from prison riots and the nightly news informative. It provides concrete examples of successful violence, and provides a foundation to work from— a foundation that focuses on successfully using violence as a tool.

The author, publisher and others involved with the production or distribution of this program are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for damage or injury resulting from use or practice of the information presented here. Use all information at your own risk. © 2007 All rights reserved.



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  1. @SeraphimFaith April 27, 2024

    What about V: someone who needs a dose of reality, or someone who needs exposure for their to-be job as law enforcement, security or (para) military, so they don't make the mistake of fantasising that they can actually reliably stop a dedicated knife wielder without getting injured.

  2. @richardhack5202 April 27, 2024

    What is the idiot trying to do with the shirt or coat? Act like a bull-fighter? If he was intending to throw it in the face of the attacker, he didn't move fast enough. If he was intending to do what they do in the movies and use it to entrap the knife hand, he didn't do that well enough either…obviously. As for the attacker, 13 stabs when two were fatal indicates a waste of time and lack of professional knife fighting capability. I may be wrong but most of the stabs look to the chest and heart region which should have been very effective almost immediately, certainly within the time frame of the attack itself. One might wonder as to the autopsy results – how many of the 13 stabs would be considered irrelevant once the two effective ones were made? At what point during the stabbing were the two effective ones made?

  3. @DevilTigersTale April 27, 2024

    This is a clip taken from a (45-60 seconds, IIRC) short video, which I'm still looking for if anyone can point me to it. In that one, they use the defender to illustrate why most defenses taught don't work. There's one where he's trying to get his own weapon out to fight back. This one is him using his coat trying for the entangle to not get cut. Couple more scenarios, think one was hand to hand.

    In every situation, he's overwhelmed by the number, frequency, and ferocity of the attacks.

    Edit: Redundancy.

  4. @tonyrenshaw3143 April 27, 2024

    theres an old italian fencing and wrestling treaty written in 1409 that shows how to deal with that exact attack

  5. @andrewtan5826 April 27, 2024

    I identified with I after something I learned from my martial arts instructor and from years of competitive rts gaming, if you know how to perform the technique first you can better identify it when its coming and know its strengths and weaknesses better than someone who is only trained to defend against it. I'm no expert this is purely my honest opinion.

  6. @Agora2021 April 27, 2024

    So what I'm taking from this is… either shoot the shitbag or book it. Leaning towards booking it, since at that range good luck getting a gun out before he closes the distance and filets you.

  7. @DITH85 April 27, 2024

    If I had to class myself somewhere as a judgement of social and psychological issues represented here, I would be III. Particularly as someone who actively writes, trains, and promotes the notion of not being a victim.
    However, reality and evidence dictate that sometimes everyone is caught off guard and there is nothing you can do. When the 20 year USMC vet falls as easily as the 10 stone soaking wet geek when put in front of a prison yard rush.

  8. @VideoPhile26 April 27, 2024

    I'm going to play along with the description and accept its "goal-oriented" challenge.

    The attacker makes his initial stab the the defends stomach; that would would be deep and painfull but would not kill him (Google: vivisection).

    The following stabs to the defenders chest would kill him by the second strike. Notice in the video the attacker holds his knife parallel the defenders ribs so it will pass through.

    All additional stabs to the body are just to ensure the defender is dead.

  9. @sleeve318 April 27, 2024

    is this a demonstration or a real prison video? im just curious as to why the victim already has his jacket out and standing in defense mode.

  10. @cobrakoi1 April 27, 2024

    i think i identify with more than 1 here, i first thought fucking heck he stabbed the shit out of him, and wow thats how to fucking stab a man i had images of all the levels of violence u could inflict with a knife and wat sort of damage could b done, i then felt sorry for the victim, wat did he do 2 deserve that, that got me thinking mayb he deserved it. in the end i wondered if i could have defended myself from that attack and imagined myself doing so in various secenarios wher i always win…

  11. @jasonsheil April 27, 2024

    Ok. It may just be that I'm really stoned atm… but I think I just completely figured out the point of the video, that thing everyone is missing that makes all your comments redundant.
    This movie wasn't posted so you could see or learn anything about knife fighting. Its not meant to teach you anything other than your own way of thinking. So posting about what you would have done, or asking what the victim could have done is pointless. This is a lesson in behavioral science, not martial arts.

  12. @Greenacres88 April 27, 2024

    Thats why cops shoot guys with knives.

    Theres no fancy fencing, sticking and move and undergrip movements.

    Charge, weak hand out and sewing-machine the guy over and over and over.

    Shits dark..and thats just how it is.

  13. @bae313 April 27, 2024

    @efsq lol

  14. @bae313 April 27, 2024

    Beautiful attack, keeps the attacker ahead on the OODA loop no matter what the attackee does, UNLESS the attackee can work the OODA loop faster and become the attacker. This is the stuff Marc MacYoung has been preaching for years to expose the uselessness of most martial knife systems.

  15. @shihangodan5 April 27, 2024

    Well this is very disturbing, it appears that you are teaching people how to kill with
    a knife. Just what the world needs! The victim or corpse, could have thrown the jacket in his face, moved off line and swept the leg etc. A number of things could
    have been done in his situation. However no attempts were made. Lack of training on victims part, and good video showing a very realistic knife attack to kill someone. Text book actually! Hand grabs behind head, continues to rush the victim, sad!

  16. @lordscrub April 27, 2024

    Nope. criminals already know this stuff you dont!

  17. @lordscrub April 27, 2024

    throw the coat, fend off with kicks, step ofline? hmmm I guess if I did'nt see how the rest of this video ended up I may have been thinking the same thing buddha. My advise buddha is to try to find out how this clip ended up and I promise you it will answer all your questions in terms of dealing with violence

  18. @Aheyne April 27, 2024

    That's how knife attacks REALLY go down.

    The best bet is to stay the hell out of prison, and don't make enemies in life.

  19. @WarriorBoy April 27, 2024

    I totally understand why you posted and what it's significance is. This is the kind of stuff a lot of the "dancers" out there need to see.

  20. @BareFisted April 27, 2024

    Great video Torin, but next time use a smaller blade so you can cup it or palm it so he can't see it.
    And yell at the guy and start pointing your other finger at him to distract him as you close.
    Again excellent video.

  21. @lordscrub April 27, 2024

    hmmmm let me guess Missiuwata you connected with the dead guy on the ground huh 🙂 no biggy but I suggest if what you saw above really scared the shit out of you in terms of you being helpless in a situation like that, you should dig a little into the people that posted this vid, because while it was not the focus of posting the vid, they teach you how to handle the same problem they just showed but the choice is yours to search for the info

  22. @MischaC April 27, 2024

    That guy is fast.

  23. @nicorap74 April 27, 2024

    This video is not real. But it shows the intention. They really did it. I thought it was real at first time.

  24. @misiuwata April 27, 2024

    thats exactly the way it is. all the shit stuff like krav maga and aikido are unrealistic. you have no chance against a knive without a telescope or a gun.

  25. @SpikeXtreme April 27, 2024

    This why the UK and US Police wear stab proof vests and carry Tasers.There is no defense against a charged attack.The only defense you have is to keeping your distance from your attacker and thats easier said than done.

  26. @doogy15 April 27, 2024

    Thats exactly have a stabbing happens… and it ended so fast with shitty video feed that you wouldn't even see blood yet


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