Credit Card Karambit Knife from Crawford Knives
Dec 22

Look at Crawford knives Credit Card Karambit knife. For more details visit:
are these for sale
i bought my swissmade carbon fiber card knife at , trust me guys they have best carbon fiber gadgets on the market right now!
Not a karambit,but nice anyway.
The jean shorts told me he's ready to go and do business
Nice car(d)ambit !
would that be legall in engand/uk???
the element of surprise is a good thing to have on your side in a self defense situation.
I did it with an old gift card, except i used an iron on low heat and some wood blocks covered in wax paper to make a jig/mold for the "blade". They work okay as a box opener and if you're careful with the heating and forming you could even poke through plastic packages and cut them apart.
how comfortable is the reverse gripon this one?
I thought karambits were supposed to be held in the reverse grip?
Nice, light and easily concealed!!! Sweet!!! I want to buy one of your two brothers t-shirts…how???
That is COOL!
Interesting idea. I wonder if I could take an old credit card, sharpen it up and drill some finger holes?
Just a thought.
Nice knife there, thanks for the review.