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Gun Vs. Knife (short version) Time and distance needed to draw from CC or open carry. Karambit Knife Fighting

qcreek11 Apr 24

Too many people have told me that if they were attacked on the street they would just shoot the assailant. That is fine and dandy if you have time and distance to do so. We have proven this experiment 100’s of times in training LE and SWAT. You cannot draw, get on target, and shoot if you don’t have the proper time and distance. A knife wielding attacker can strike faster up close than you can effectively draw. Thus, know how to protect yourself and your firearm until you have the time to draw and shoot. Don’t draw at the wrong time and get into a grappling match with your assailant over your gun. Know more than one trick. Train to fight, train to shoot, train to move. Then train again.

Karambit Knife Fighting


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