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How to Stop a Stabbing Attack (Knife Defense Tips) KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Sep 25

Learn effective self defense:

In this knife defense video, we talk about how to stop a stabbing attack.

As you probably noticed, stabbing attacks are on the rise lately. That is a really sad thing, but with that said, we need to prepare for it and be ready to deal for such an attack.

As a self defense practitioner, you need to train your knife defense skills, otherwise, you won’t be ready to the full extent of a life threatening situation.

Of course, you need to practice with rubber knives for safety reasons, but you need to put energy and realism into your training sessions.

Try making the attacks and scenarios as realistic as possible. That will greatly enhance your defensive skills, forcing you to react accordingly to a dangerous situation.

There are many important things to take into consideration in a knife attack.

Watch the video for more information and knife defense tips.

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Thanks for watching and stay safe,

Nick Drossos and Patrick V
Code Red Defense



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  1. @codereddefense September 25, 2024

    Your comments are always appreciated. Subscribe to Code Red Defense:


  2. @attilasanver5409 September 25, 2024

    Thanks for the good advice.

  3. @kevingatebridge3656 September 25, 2024

    Less talking..more action

  4. @foto21 September 25, 2024

    Wear a kevlar carbon fiber whatever anti knife shirt seems to be the best defense in my opinion. That and a taser which is installed on my arm which I can fire immediately at the ahole's temple. I really want to find some new tech ways to take down assholes. F these people.

  5. @Ekittz_ciara September 25, 2024

    If you’re wearing flip flop, if it easy, you can kick it out and run faster as possible

  6. @joefather9769 September 25, 2024

    Wow a add I am getting stabbed

  7. @boxedbygen September 25, 2024

    1:28 sounded like he said the n word haha

  8. @johnydoe8636 September 25, 2024

    In reality you will instinctively run for your life trained or not trained because you will be caught off guard and surprised

  9. @pproestos September 25, 2024

    great video Nick

  10. @THEMATT222 September 25, 2024

    Don't run unless you're a parkour master!

  11. @MrNoOne04 September 25, 2024

    Most common in London

  12. @Chubbycat747 September 25, 2024

    The heck with it, I'm going to order a riveted chaine maille shirt.

  13. @hiramysumundowalky-talkytv7719 September 25, 2024


  14. @bobzealand5692 September 25, 2024

    8 people got stabbed

  15. @actionauthorjessehenson2616 September 25, 2024

    Would i be charged with anything if someone pulled a knife on me and i did manage to trap then i bend his arm back and kill him with his own knife?

  16. @johnf.estrada6550 September 25, 2024

    ALWAYS enjoy these insightful tactics and POV. I saw a guy stabbed and it's not pretty

  17. @VincentMMALife September 25, 2024

    In the way you teach you can clearly see that you have real life experience. Keep up the good work!

  18. @vincentskate01 September 25, 2024

    what do you do after you've trapped the knife? It's not like the guy is going to drop the knife, plus he's going to be struggling hard which is going to get you cut as well. In an elevator or some sorts, i agree trapping is the best thing to do, but on the street it's best to try and distract him for a second like taking out your wallet or phone or even talking to him, and when he's distracted you kick him in the nuts or the liver or solar plexus as fast and hard as you can, and you make a run for it. ofcourse, the best thing you can do is 1. prevent the situation from escalating, 2. give him whatever he wants, 3. run

  19. @theaajourney9872 September 25, 2024

    What if I'm carrying a pocket knife, should I pull it out to defend myself?

  20. @johnyracercat September 25, 2024

    Whenever someone tries to stab me, I just stand still and focus my chi to that area of my body. My stomach usually starts glowing and the knife shatters. Then I just give the person the death stare and they look petrified and run away.

  21. @alcarr1054 September 25, 2024

    Cool stuff Nick, cheers!

  22. @hammercanttouchthis September 25, 2024

    Chair to the knife wielder is doable. I like how you make the difference between the busy night club Vs. 'soccer field' as it is a different story. Trap that blade as you say. As a kickboxer what would you say about grapple to kickboxing against a knife fighter? Or just straight kicking to the attacker provided you are proficient in the art in close quarters. Or would you prefer an Aikido like arm grab and twist? I've met people who have been stabbed multiple times in fights and have come out 'on top'. Luck may be involved or. It could be the way they took the wounds and then followed up. It's a hazy area.

  23. @tugbandi September 25, 2024

    Sometimes it feels like Nick is the only one giving valuable advice that has a basis in the real world. I was threatened with a knife once, many years ago. There was no way I could have run away. In the end, I was lucky that the guy was drunk as a skunk and could barely aim for me. An angry determined guy with a knife is worse than a rabid dog, in my opinion.

  24. @sedulous7281 September 25, 2024

    Jesus is a beautiful name..look him up

  25. @dahakaguardianofthetimelin4780 September 25, 2024

    Aikido is great for knife defense, all you do is twirl your hands like an idiot and the attacker flips himself over 720 degrees and snaps his own neck on the way down

    Steven Seagal is another great knife defense. His fat frame helps you protect yourself from getting stabbed by serving as a human shield


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