Kali DOUBLE STICKS Fighting Technique – Incredibly Functional! KarambitKnives,com
This is part 3 in a mini Kali Double Sticks/Swords series. Train and master this technical drill then go back to the previous videos to learn the other techniques. Subscribe and stay tuned for the next video in this mini series. You won’t want to miss it!
Double Stick/Sword Techniques 1:
Double Stick/Sword Technique 2:
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I started off with Wing Chun college and as an older adult I've been training in Hung Gar and Bak Sil Lum since 2003.
Our Wing Chun black belts would drive 60 miles to attend a Kali class in another city because it integrated well with Wing Chun.
I'm going to start incorporating your drills into use with my Butterfly Swords. The blade is a bit wider, but it shouldn't be that big of an adjustment. Nice content here, bro!
Really enjoying the videos! Great content. Do you do anything with sai?
Holy flaming hot Cheetos Batman