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Knife to the Throat Defense from the Back Karambit Knife Fighting

qcreek11 Apr 10

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If a crazy attacker places a knife to your throat from the back position, you are in trouble. however, you are in out of options. The first thing you need to do is bring your hands up in this situation.

If it’s possible to diffuse the situation and get out of there, do it. If your attacker wants something in particular like your wallet, it’s best to just give it up. Nothing is worth your life.

However, if communication is lost between you and your opponent and he has the knife to your throat, standing right behind you, you need to act fast.

Using your hands that should already be up, rapidly trap the weapon by placing the knife hand of your attacker directly on you. From there, immediately start striking the groin, the knees, anywhere really, to be able to escape his grasp.

You need to keep the knife trapped to your body and be able to face the attacker. Always keep in mind to strike with all you’ve got!

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Related article:

How to Defend Yourself from the Back with a Knife to the Throat

Stay safe,

Nick Drossos and Patrick Viana
Code Red Defense
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Karambit Knife Fighting


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