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How to Deal with an Aggressive Cat | Cat Care KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Jul 23

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Do you have a cat that bites and scratches at home? It’s actually a really common problem. But it can be really scary, and sometimes, it can be really severe. If you have a cat that’s causing injuries with you, and you need to stop an interaction with your cat, one of the best things you can do is leave the room yourself, or lure your cat into another area to calm down.

Many times when cats are being aggressive toward their owners, people focus on trying to get the cat to stop by punishing the cat, using spray bottles or loud noises or hitting the cat or screaming at the cat. It’s really best if you don’t do those things, because many cats will become more aggressive when you try to implement that type of technique.

If you can, lure your into another room. You can use treats or a laser pointer. You could even use a yarn toy. Once they’re in there, shut the door, and give them some time to themselves. You really want them to calm down, because cats can be agitated for a long time after an aggressive event. If you open a door a few minutes later, maybe ten or fifteen minutes later, and your cat’s still got big, big eyes with dark pupils, and it seems agitated, tale thrashing, hissing, growling, leave them in there for a couple hours at least, and always check back. If he seems friendly and is coming out and seems relatively calm, go ahead and let him out, give him one or two scratches if it feels safe. Give him a couple treats, and move on with your day. And don’t repeat whatever triggered the aggressive event. Then, consult with your veterinarian to see about other options.

And that’s how you get out of a problem with a cat with aggressive behavior.



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  1. @artianna85 July 23, 2024

    So many owners who don’t know how to deal with cats

  2. @tunching8049 July 23, 2024

    Is this is a WOKE approach?

  3. @SusanDraper-rq3vx July 23, 2024

    I was watching my neighbors cat, and they went onto my lap, and started licking me, and purring. Then, after 5 minutes his ears went back, and tried to bite me and hiss at me. Right now he is not coming inside and is waiting for his owner. Wish me luck to get him inside!

  4. @Juicy.Raccoon July 23, 2024

    My sisters cat(for context I had moved out for a couple years and just moved back and both me and my mother are allergic to them in the first place) decided to get a cat. So she stays in my room, she once went at me with intent to hurt me so I popped her, admittedly not the best move, not hard in any regard but like a get away from me pop, but even before that she would make lunges at me for no reason at all, I try to go to my door and she lunges and swipes, I literally sit down on my phone, lunges and tries to attack. What exactly do I do to get her to not? Cause at this rate she’s just way to aggressive, I merely breathe and it’s taken as a threat met with hisses and growls and lunges. Even prior to the pop. I mean she’s eaten treats out of my hand recently but then immediately goes back to it.

  5. @ObiMomKenobi13 July 23, 2024

    It's been a month in her own space. She attacks every time anyone comes near. I need real advice. She is not my cat, but needed an emergency home due to a house fire. She was like this before the fire though. We can't play with her or even sit in the room with her.
    Feeding her is dangerous. I am not afraid of animals and not afraid of her. She just hates everyone, and is even her people.
    Anyone have any ideas?


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