A Karambit is a very good self defense weapon only if you know how to utilize it for worse case scenario situations. See www. source KarambitKnives.com
To me, the Karambit is a great self defense weapon due to the fact it is hard to see in the hands, and it’s small and easy to carry. source KarambitKnives.com
Origin of kerambit: From the tiger fights, leopard nails inspired a weapon in combat silat source Karambit Knife Fighting
New Book!! Simple Knifemaking – http://www.amazon.com/dp/1534897704/?tag=backyardbowye-20 Thanks for all of the requests for this build! Today we’re making a karambit out of an old lawnmower blade. The blade I’m using is sometimes called a universal ...
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions on my lawn mower blade karambit! I’ve been getting requests for a build with more forging and more traditional proportions, so today we’ll be making a karambit out ...
My original video: https://youtu.be/-ASS3RiNviU Hey everyone! Thanks to everyone who pointed out that my video has been reuploaded in various places. There isn’t much I can do about it, but watching some of them gave ...