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The Emerson Knives La Griffe designed by Fred Perrin Karambit Knife Fighting

qcreek11 Jun 21

La Griffe (claw) comes from Europe. It is a design from noted French knife maker Fredric Perrin. We are proud to introduce Mr. Fred Perrin, a veteran of the French Army and expert in survival under extreme conditions. https://emersonknives.com/shop/knives/la-griffe-the-knives/la-griffe/

Fred Perrin has designed a knife that is the epitome of simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness. It is used by military and police operators throughout the world and is widely used in the open ocean fishing fleets of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. With the addition of the new variation, the WWR model, it is now the perfect emergency companion for climbers, kayakers, and white water rafters.

Mr. Fred Perrin is one of the world’s premiere “real world” fighting instructors. This fact is directly reflected in his bare bones no-holds barred style of knife making. His attitude and philosophy have propelled him to design some of the best and most affordable combat knives in the business.

Fred comes from a diverse background of French Military Special Forces service and a life long study of martial arts and weapons systems.

Fred Perrin is a highly sought after instructor in Europe and a highly recognized and respected knife maker to those who use and carry knives in high risk environments. We are very proud to produce one of Fred Perrin’s most innovative and effective designs – the La Griffe by Emerson Knives. Buy your La Griffe by Emerson Knives Here.

Karambit Knife Fighting


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