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Exclusive Interview w/ Ernest Emerson & the Karambit Knife Blade Show 2011 KarambitKnives.com

qcreek11 Jun 20

http://www.theultimateknife.com – The title says it all !!! We were very honored to have that One-On-One time with Ernie Emerson.




  1. @DCavalcade June 20, 2024

    What an articulate, intelligent guy!

  2. @whiskeypapa8842 June 20, 2024

    Emerson Combat FTW.

  3. @stormsigma June 20, 2024

    Man, fantastic guy. The more videos I see of his, the more I am a fan of his. It was classy as all get out him taking a competitor's product which has (candidly) all the features of his product and complimenting it. Just a class act.

  4. @BlazinBlades June 20, 2024

    Thank you Mr. Emerson for "birthing" the wave! 🙂

  5. @JoeByronn June 20, 2024

    I love his knives. it's fast and very sharp

  6. @paultabet4680 June 20, 2024

    these blades are 200$ omg i can't afford.. i can buy it of course.. but its gonna take time

  7. @redandbluebeater June 20, 2024

    Mr. Emerson seems like a nice and cool guy! It's nice to see the makers, designers, and owners of these awesome knife companies.

  8. Although I don't agree with Mr. Emerson's comment that all military are fighting the good fight (war is never good) I am impressed by Mr. Emerson's humility. He admits the "wave" feature was an accident invention and also promotes another brand of knife beside his own. I'm even more glad I just ordered the Emerson Combat now that I see there is a humble genius who made it.

    Peace and Love,


  9. @DENMONKEY June 20, 2024

    sounds like a cool and interesting guy

  10. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    LOL !!! Now THA'S FUNNY !!! It can definitely seem like that when watching the Karambit Training DVD vid… I'm still laughing about what you said. XD Thanks for the comment – Later… 🙂

  11. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    The LOUD click, lets you know that it works. It helps as you won't have to take your eyes of the situation at hand; knowing that you can deploy it with only one hand. The LOUD click serves a two-fold purpose. 1) You know that it's locked in place, ready for action !!! 2) The opponent will hear the same LOUD click; see what's in your hand & will think twice before they try anything. Which may help avoid a potential bad situation. Always best to walk away, but at least you'll be prepared. Later…

  12. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    Lastly, we are going to do a full review of all the Karambits that we carry and how they perform here soon. How soon? That's another question as we need to work out our scheduling to make that happen.

  13. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    You are the 3rd person in the last few months that has requested this. With that said I don't think (at this present time) FOX will be retooling the New Resized Karambit to make it fit the Aluminum model. It actually took over 9 months for us to even get the G10 retooled & shipped. Almost half our orders now are for the New Resized G10. If I you're set on the Aluminum in it's current size, then I would order one, as we only have a few left. Hope that answers your question. Later… 🙂

  14. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    True that. He really is a stand up guy… 🙂

  15. @cyleleghorn246 June 20, 2024

    Hey Lad, do you and the guys over at RenuTech plan on releasing the resized Fox karambit in the aluminum model? I'm planning to get the fox karambit, but I want the aluminum model just because of the style and class that the knife emanates. However, I like the idea of the original measurements as they were meant to be, and also the 'sharper' wave. If I had to pick, I'd get the aluminum, but if i knew you were planning on retooling that one too, i'll just wait. Please get back to me, thanks!

  16. @deceptivepanther June 20, 2024

    Mr. Emerson is a cool guy; all the cooler for having a history with Dan Inosanto. He definitely makes you want to invest in his knives.

  17. @jbravo41 June 20, 2024

    Cool dude, his fighting system is really good.

  18. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    Well, we'll see what happens if they do or not. One thing that I can say is that it does cost more to Laser Mark each knife with that gold etching, and we're just trying to be more cost effective. That in no way hinders the performance of the knife and brings out more the stealth feature of the black blade. I know that if you really want this done there are plenty of trophy shops as well as laser marking companies that would be able to do that for you for a small price. Later… 🙂

  19. @Kyu1LL June 20, 2024

    @ReNuTechSolutions awesome. yeah, I'll definitely think about that one. It was good speaking to you on the phone today too! I will keep in touch about the Fox Karambits once I decide whether or not I want to go with the standard or resized version. If they put the KARAMBIT logo on the resized one, it'd be a no-brainer. I like that bit of artwork.

  20. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    LOL !!! That's too funny !!! XD That's who I thought you were referring too, but I do appreciate the Big-Ups as well. 😀 I can say one thing, that Combat Karambit DVD set that Ernest produced is extremely helpful. It teaches you so much about the phycology of not getting into any bad situation to begin with & how to use this defense tool as a last resort if you have no other choices. Fantastic practicals; beginners & experts alike will love this 2 Disc DVD set, over 5 hrs of training.

  21. @Kyu1LL June 20, 2024

    @ReNuTechSolutions I was referring to Mr. Emerson, but you're cool too!

  22. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    Were you referring to that initial comment toward me (the speaker) or Ernest? If you were referring to me, I think you should be directing that comment to Ernest, as I too would not EVEN want to take on his expertise in any kind of knife duel. He's a master in his own right when it comes to that area. PLUS, there would be NO REASON to, as he truly is a kind hearted person, who'sīģŋ helping others through his talents. He's a one of a kind person !!! 🙂 Thanks for the post, Later… Lad…

  23. @Kyu1LL June 20, 2024

    Wow… he seems SO down to earth and such a nice guy / speaker! Looks super friendly too! But yeah, do NOT want to mess with this guy. The wave feature story was exactly what I was wondering about so this video rocked haha.

  24. @saspost June 20, 2024

    Awesome video! Mr Emerson is a Great guy!

  25. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024


    Quite a bit of damage. That's why I kept my distance…. Have you seen Ernest Emerson's – The Complete Combat Karambit DVD training set? It's one of the BEST Karambit Training DVD sets out there and we have it on our site. It's worth every penny !!! Later… 🙂

  26. @SUFFOCATIONFAN June 20, 2024

    think of what emerson could do to you with that karambit…

  27. @TheUltimateKnife June 20, 2024

    @EvilMonkeyDC: …but as you're already experiencing with the current karambit knife that you mentioned that you have is "just ok." That is the WHOLE reason why we do not resell products that are "just ok," for the VERY same reason you just mentioned; IT'S ABOUT QUALITY. HIGH QUALITY AT THAT. I don't say this to be cliche, but I honestly mean this when we say – YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. To me you CAN'T put a price tag on your life when it comes to defending it. Thanks for your reply, later, Lad


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