Trauma Talk with Slyfox Fishin #mensmentalhealth #ptsd #cptsd KarambitKnives,com
One of the MOST powerful, impactful, raw and real trauma talks. These trauma talks present a very vulnerable state for each party. Learn about the traumas they endured, after-effects of trauma and what healing modalities they use to help with PTSD/CPTSD symptoms.
Slyfox will be the voice for men suffering in silence to know NO ONE is alone.
You will leave being touched and inspired by this duo.
@SLYFOXFISHIN #recreationaltherapy #cptsd #ptsd #bassfishing #fishinglife #childhoodtraumahealing #childhoodtraumarecovery #mentalhealthmatters #menmatter #wefighttogether #youmatter #kayakbassfishing #fishing #mensmentalhealth #childhoodtrauma #adulttrauma #SurvivorStories #traumahealing #addictions #AddictionRecovery #addictionhealing #recoveryispossible #recoveryispossible #cyclebreakers #changemakers #bethechange