6-Hit Knife Combo Training KarambitKnives,com
Jun 18
You need to ask yourself: ‘Am I the hunter or The Hunted?’ Could you perform your 6-hit knife combo on demand?
One of the principles of FMA is overkill. The more vital organs of your opponent you destroyed, the higher the chances that you will live.
They trained using a real life combat knife system called "Filipino Kali" or "Sayoc Kali". most of what they used in the movie is pure kali but im not sure about the combo. but the take down combo seems legit.
That's more of a Kata than combo, you aren't supposed to be able to do the whole thing in combat. You see how the dummy stands there with his hands behind his back? You train likeat so your moves flow together, but never think more than two ahead. Knife fighting is all reflex, the time to think is in training.
@Rummity Are you trying to tell me that you don't take note in movies when someone repeatedly cocks a shotgun, and the rounds don't go flying out, or when people in war movies do things that are ridiculous and go very much against what military would actually do? When people die from relatively superficial things while others take an obscene amount of injury with a smile (Looking at you Bruce Willis)? Tell you what, watch Charlies Angels, Full Throttle and see if you can put up with that.
@melancholyid movie=not real life.
What a load of bullshit.
id pull a harrsion ford and just shot the basturd
thats no a ture commando style. It just looks cool for the movie.