KarambitKnives.com Sai practice on the beach | Ryukyu Kobudo, Japanese Martial arts #shorts KarambitKnives,com qcreek11 Jun 17 source KarambitKnives.com Tags:knife fighting basicsknife fighting martial artsknife fighting stanceknife fighting techniques
It reminds me from mortal Kombat mileena❤
What is the application of the move where you make a T with your body please? (Both arms stretched to the sides)
This is super cool, I'd love to do this. I've been looking for a new pair of sai since I outgrew my old beginner pair I got in middle school. Do you have any recommendations for companies?
Love this! Is it part of a kata?
Ppl in japan are so good at fighting too bad we have guns and explosives now