Knife to the Throat from Behind against a Wall KarambitKnives,com

Learn Effective Self Defense:
Knife Defense [Official video]
Having someone robbing you at knife point is a scary thing. But what if you were robbed at knife point with a knife placed to your throat from behind while you are facing a wall… That is even more frightening, since you can’t easily fight back.
As seen in the video, in such a situation, the attacker is placed in a position of power. It becomes very difficult to defend from the back.
If you are placed in this situation, immediately start talking to your attacker, ask him want he wants. If he wants your money or belongings, it’s recommended to give it away. It’s not worth it to risk your life or getting injured for money or goods.
In close quarter range, the knife is an extremely dangerous weapon. Be careful and prepared for anything. Stay focus on what the attacker wants and try to cooperate as much as possible.
However, keep in mind that if the attacker wants to hurt you, you need to fight back with all you’ve got!
When it comes to personal protection, you need to place yourself in realistic situations if you want to learn effective self defense techniques.
Practice this knife defense technique with your training partner. You will certainly find it useful.
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For a complete instructional video on Knife Defense visit:
Stay safe,
Nick Drossos and Patrick V
Code Red Defense
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oh damn it. a good video :+) well aside from the rude airplanes
To Nick and Code Red:
I enjoy your videos.
That's why I recommend you delete this one.
All that's in this video is your advice not to rely on the step by step
procedurals of other channels.
But you've said the same thing in a dozen other posts.
At least in those, you demoed a technique.
Here, you show us nothing new.
Maintain some integrity, please.
i like you because you're smart & honest.and wise…
Nick, you are trying to save our life by TALKING sense to us – so how about checking the sound quality before committing to the video ?
Yes. Honestly, don't should be happy to give him your money,and unless you seriously have trained, don't fight. Honestly fighting will end you up in a hospital with more payments than if yoy just gave him the money.
This is much better than lots of so called "knife defense" which is just fighting with robot
only dangerous thing about this video is them red tracksuit pants
one recommendation, boom mic. it's hard to hear u in ur vids sometimes. but great material. life over death over being a hero. good call.
click bate
ive got the knife defense vídeo. its completely worth the investment.
Once again, excellent advice. And here is why I think this is a great common-sense-based advice: If an attacker with a knife was hellbent on robbing you at any cost, and had placed you in that vulnerable position against the wall, then all he had to do was to slash your throat and rob you while you were disabled and bleeding to death. So if he is hesitating to kill you it's because he is open to negotiations, period. Why? Not merely because slashing someone's threat is a messy business, but most likely because he knows by simply robbing you chances are the police won't bother as much to go after him. Whereas a homicide is a whole different can of worms and would definitely bring some serious heat on him. So give up your wallet/money and run away as fast as you can, the first chance you get. The real danger in a scenario like this is when the attacker intends to rape a female victim, in which case probably the best and only course of action is for the victim to keep her wits about her, talk to the assailant and try to create an opportunity to run away.
now I learned more for my own self defense!
FINALLY! Someone is HONEST about the reality of knife confrontations!
Don't muggers beat you up before they rob you?
what would I do if there were more than 1attacer
What I do; I send my Chi to my neck and it makes my skin impossible to cut. Then I throw a powerball from my right hand and send him flying 30 feet away.
Please find a quiet place to film…