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Fox Knives 479 Karambit Review KarambitKnives.com

qcreek11 Mar 28

At long last, my recent grail has arrived. The Fox Knives 479 Karambit is finally in my hands. This knife is an absolute beast, …




  1. @lylesmith5079 March 28, 2024

    I have the 479 and like you it's a bit too long but still grips well. The quality is A1.

  2. @utley March 28, 2024

    for 200 bucks, I would think it would be an automatic deploying knife straight from the pocket with a spring open. The claw supposedly draws the knife out when you pull it out of your pocket but theres a chance that it would tear into your pocket and get caught. Thats pretty much the only thing I dont like about the knife, but its still a great knife.

  3. @thetangopractice3105 March 28, 2024

    Yes! You’re very entertaining and educational. I like your contents. It’s a deadly weapon and should be used with instructions. Can you make an instruction video on How To Fold The Karambit?

  4. @kurtsantiago2753 March 28, 2024

    Is it metal?

  5. @smittys19daytona March 28, 2024

    these are great knives love how they deploy, i do like the 599 better for carry but I have them both

  6. @themadscientest March 28, 2024

    If I get one of the Fox karambit folders for "explainable legal reasons" I'm certainly getting a trainer so I can practice drawing and even do light sparring with it.

  7. @WuTangYongYuan March 28, 2024

    Wow. What I superb in depth review. Thanks!

  8. @gruntspy44 March 28, 2024

    Ok.as inwatched I see yours opens as mine

  9. @gruntspy44 March 28, 2024

    I have this knife… and it doesn't flip open the best. I've loosened it up a little by loosening the pivot… can I take it appart and polish it?

  10. @xeroofnine6234 March 28, 2024

    i love my 479, but the 598 is legit the best fighting knife i own other than my cold steel push dagger, its basically the 599 in fixed blade version with a kick ass sheath. as a defense weapon id prefer the 598 b/c obviously you can do things with it you cant do with a folder like flail and impact with the top of the blade with no moving parts to fail..

  11. @specopsbrat5130 March 28, 2024

    I went with the 479 purposely because I wear gloves in security during the winter. If that was the intention they failed because I had to remove material from inside finger hole. They should have enlarged it. Doesn't make sense.

  12. @jonk.8284 March 28, 2024

    Good review mate

  13. @perspicacity89 March 28, 2024

    This is the best knife I've ever owned. And I own hundreds of knives. Including customs.

  14. @ian.ambrose March 28, 2024

    Great review.

  15. @EBMisKing March 28, 2024

    Hey! Quick question: I have short fat fingers (I know I know) but my hand is roughly 4 inches wide (knuckle to knuckle). Should I go for the 599 or 479? I’m 6’0 180 lbs btw

  16. @12345678927164 March 28, 2024

    The deadliest weapons combine nature with technology. It's a perfictly and beautiful combo.

  17. @ChuckTaylor-ct6fq March 28, 2024

    I've carried my 478 for 8 yrs , dont leave home without it . Awesome knife .

  18. @tomsimmo5789 March 28, 2024

    What it cost?

  19. @PlugNuster March 28, 2024

    Very well made video dude. I almost bought the 599 and went for the 479 instead. My hands are larger than large, but not XL. The 479 serves me well. Fantastic knife.

  20. @2pointSummer March 28, 2024

    479 is pretty much all over the internet what do you mean "Finaly got it" I've been looking for 599 for too long now and the only web site I found it on is The Ultimate Knife and the posting there is $60 no thanks.

  21. @DCavalcade March 28, 2024

    I purchased a Fox Karambit knife (tanto blade) several months ago. My experience with the knife has been a disappointment and The Ultimate Knife online store, Fox's premiere sales organization in the US, was an even greater disappointment.

    Practically speaking, there is no warranty on the knife even though you are going to pay $130-150 for it. TUK's policy is that any damage to the knife of any kind voids the warranty. One millimeter of the tip of my knife flaked off while opening the internal cellophane wrapper on a loaf of bread. Yeah.. Cellophane broke the blade. TUK told me to have the blade reground, at my own expense of course, and I received a call from the owner. He made the mistake of telling me that I should not expect the quality of a $500-600 knife when I paid $140. Let's me honest. The fit and finish of the Fox knives are what you should expect from a $40-50 knife. Like many of you, I own a Gerber 06 automatic knife. I have put it through hell. The knife is designed to let you cut your way through the aluminum skin of a downed helo; so I tested the knife on the skin of a derelict Blackhawk. The Gerber worked as advertised. Nothing broke off. The knife is sharper today than it has ever been before even though it looks like it has been through a world war.

    If you must have a karambit, buy something other than a Fox knife. I like Doug Marcaido. He seems like a really sincere guy, but why in God's name would anyone have a knife made in Italy or anywhere in the European Union. That decision tripled the cost of the knife from the jump. Pick another knife is my recommendation.

  22. @Lonewolfmike March 28, 2024

    Fox Knives does have a trainer karambit for the smaller knife. Just look on their site at all they have. As for pricing knives just look on sites like BladeHQ, GP Knives and Knifeworks and see what they have. Prices are fairly reasonable on their websites.

  23. @forcecontinuum4889 March 28, 2024

    Great review! Thanks! You did a better job discussing the size difference between that and the 599 than anybody else. You saved me from getting the 599xt which is probably too small.

  24. @windsorkid7069 March 28, 2024

    My knife came from Karambit. com and that's where I get the specs. Also it was less expensive. Save a few bucks and check them out.

  25. @windsorkid7069 March 28, 2024

    That's what I figured you were measuring however law enforcement considers the straight line measurement. The site does state 7.5 inches in the description and 8.5 in the summary specs. Either way you look at it, the 479 fits my hand perfectly.

  26. @windsorkid7069 March 28, 2024

    I don't know what kind of tape measure you're using "friend", but in American inches the open length is 7 1/2.

  27. @windsorkid7069 March 28, 2024

    He said total open length is 8 1/2 inches, it's actually 7 1/2 inches just to clarify.

  28. @windsorkid7069 March 28, 2024

    ordered one today. It might be better than all of my other combat knives, Gerber, smith &Wesson etc.

  29. @jrriley4845 March 28, 2024

    you weren't kidding. Yeah, I'll hunt one down. thanks again.

  30. @jrriley4845 March 28, 2024

    I absolutely will. thanks again. it's all good. duh, on me not paying attention to pretty much wear gloves and need huge hands , haha. this other guy has the know and shows you all these crazy self defense moves with the knife. he says use the trainer though. no clue where to get a trainer. unless it comes with, don't want to lose a finger or 4. haha

  31. @jrriley4845 March 28, 2024

    you are quick bud. I'm being pulled in every direction right now. to be honest I have smaller hands to but I committed to the drop. it is what it is. the newest one you just mentioned is also incredible but like I said I'm committed to the drop. I'm way to impulsive. I did click on the link and is it safe to say that it's abt 50 bucks more. maybe the drop won't go through. I'll do some research and see what I can find for a price range. regardless great review and they should pay you. hell I'd throw you something. I've just been looking for that perfect tactical knife that's not going to absolutely kill my wallet. Regardless you're one hell off a salesman even when not trying. haha.
    you would be incredible and could make a significant amount of residual income for a referral. I'm not trying to sell you on anything at all, so that's all I'll say. thanks again and feel free to email me. I'd be happy to help you with anything at all. Take it easy. JR.

  32. @jrriley4845 March 28, 2024

    awesome review. I WAS having a hard time deciding on a Tac, knife. The deployment looks incredible. You're not being paid for the review..are you? just kidding my friend. How's it holding up. check out https://www.massdrop.com/buy/fox-479-karambit-od-green?referer=CAVQUK
    I believe that you would definitely like the site. The knife if I commit will be $109 so I think great deal. thanks for the info.


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