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10 Critical Lessons for Surviving a Knife-Attack! Warrior's Whiteboard Wed KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Jun 01

Knife defense and surviving a knife attack is not only a very popular topic in the world of self-protection, but it should NEVER be taken lightly or in the same light as a “fist-fight.” Because it’s not like in the movies, and this special training with Bujinkan Ninjutsu master-teacher Jeffrey Miller will teach you 10 Critical Life-Saving Lessons for surviving a knife-attack.’

Looking for training ideas and techniques which demonstrate the principles and concepts in this class? Register for this week’s Friday Virtual MasterClass at:

Check out the all new “Dominate and Win! Realm of the Committed Warrior” Program. It’s a major upgrade to the Warrior Concepts’ Black Belt & Life Mastery Program’s module 3 (intermediate level 2) curriculum: It goes live Friday, May 31st 2024 and runs for 16 weeks with live access and coaching from Dai-Shihan Miller. Doors close on enrollment on Monday, June 3rd, which means you won’t be able to enroll in the program again until after at least October or November 2024, and without the live coaching and other bonuses included with the live re-launch.

Looking for training ideas and techniques which demonstrate the principles and concepts in this class? Register for this week’s Friday Virtual MasterClass at:

If you’ve been looking for Ninjutsu training specifically for real-world self-defense, check out the Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense Program (the 1st module in the Warrior Concepts Black Belt & Life Mastery System) here:

If you’re farther down the path, and want to get live weekly training on intermediate and advanced training skills and topics, check out my popular Ninpo-Masterclass Program:

#knifedefense #streetsurvival #whiteboardwednesday




  1. @nicknick7776 June 1, 2024

    Just stop

  2. @davefletch3063 June 1, 2024

    The legal system is an attacker most seem to forget about

  3. @nicknick7776 June 1, 2024

    right right right right right right right


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