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How DEEP is your Jiu Jitsu, Judo or Karate? Add throat strikes to Neck Manipulation KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 May 29

How “DEEP” is your Judo, Jiu Jitsu or Karate?

Where does self defense or fight-ending strikes rank in your system’s curriculum?

Worm Guard, Berimbolos and flying triangles are cool, we play around with these progressive and innovative tournament techniques a lot in open mat sessions. As I near 60, and with over 40 years of Martial Arts experience, I am regularly shocked and amazed and the current crop of monsters on the mat.

Boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, submission grappling… all imperative for pressure testing techniques.

But don’t shortchange yourself.

My home study course (now entering its 5 decade with the original release of Phenomenal Endurance Training and The Ultimate Weapon in 1986/7) brings alive the pre Judo-1882 Jiu Jitsu philosophy with todays open-mined treasure trove of MMA training.

Should you feel you are ready to order the entire series, and learn how Kyokushin, Judo and BJJ comes together…click here for more details.

Marco Lala’s Tettsu Bushi Jitsu – Total Fighting System Bundle
(3 FREE E-Books & 25 Hours of VIDEO Downloads) just $49.99:



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