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  1. Isn’t this the Tritac dude?

  2. @daniel121212121212 May 23, 2024

    I hate punching, two knuckles (top two if you're lucky!) against the hardest part of the body if you hit the forehead or above. I practise palm and heel strikes on the heavy bag.

  3. @silenko999 May 23, 2024

    no better way to learn than by taking up a combat sport..boxing or wrestling. As a person of experience i can vouch that if someone attacks u with experience of at least 6 months in the two disciplines and u r watching dvds and simply learning techniques u will be a cripple unless u r armed. for people that dont train..be well armed because real criminals are often trained and armed hence they have confidence in the success of their attack. Armed robbers are lethal..give up your shit and live.

  4. @sunnyjim98 May 23, 2024

    good luck man, if someone with a knife or gun in their back pocket attacks you, i hope you have the same feelings when you were robbed or (i hope not) worse. if someone attacks you, they are a criminal, you KNOW that. you may not know if they are trying to kill you, but that is the POINT. take no chances!

  5. @sunnyjim98 May 23, 2024

    at the end of the day, if someone decides to attack you, just go all out, they are obviously the sort of person who should even be in society, so if you blind him, deafen him, cripple him and leave him as a lemon in a wheelchair who cannot see, hear or move. that isnt your problem, no remorse. they wanted your money, they didnt like your race, they just wanted to hurt somebody.

    and if they are armed with a knife or gun and you get that weapon from them, use it. kill them. they deserve it.

  6. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    Have you ever been attacked seriously? Maybe by someone you thought could put your lights out permanently?…of course not. you're just a kid. When a stranger attacks you do not know his full intentions?, are you a mind reader? could he have a knife or gun hidden?….duh?. Will your attacker fight fair and not try to permanently maim you or worse? lol. Go away little boy because you know nothing about what some people can and sometimes will try and do. Go listen to your Justin Bieber dvds.

  7. @ryanwilloughby6030 May 23, 2024

    if someone assualts me im goign to hurt them they have given you the opprotunity to hurt them they deserve it and in war you wont get very far with these moves

  8. theres nothing friendly about fighting.in a real fight,the second someone puts their hands on you,that automatically gives you the right to do WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO to get them to stop.if they're on top of you,tear up their face.if they're trying to grab you,break their fingers.if someone pulls a blade or firearm on you,you kill their ass.why do all of this?because you cant ever be certain what someones going to do in a real fight.i say this because its what i was taught when i took Jiu-Jitsu.

  9. @xXjuggalo555Xx May 23, 2024

    this video is obviously not meant for a friendly fight. if you are in a bad situation, end the fight as fast as you can…

  10. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    You're an idiot and sound like a prime target to have your lunch box taken from you.

  11. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    Maybe, but I'll bet it's enough to make you shit in your pants….now isn't it ??? LOL

  12. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    Stick to your poetry reading and pray there's a man around to protect you if you're ever attacked "Toiletta".

  13. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    How do you know dummy? Are you going to discuss their intentions with them before they strike?

  14. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    Amen to that1

  15. @jeffsor47 May 23, 2024

    Poking the eye isn't a mortal wound but it sure would stop most in their tracks…..maybe not you though….huh????

  16. @jaycow052489 May 23, 2024

    People need to keep in mind that self defense is what keeps you alive, it''s not a fight for sport, it's for your life. ANYTHING GOES. On a lighter note, my judo sensei would have a serious problem with me if he heard me talking about "Osoda Gary" at 3:17. hahahahaha O Soto Gari or O Soto Guruma are great throws if you have a firm grip of someones collar or throat. Good video!

  17. @orionbassmaster666 May 23, 2024

    real deadly okinawan karate dosent have wood breaking , and kata's have hidden potential , check out the guys from goju ryu and uechi ryu , they would give any muay thai practitioner a run for their money xd

  18. @kgurewitz May 23, 2024

    how is this going to help you if you're not trying to mortally wound the guy?!

  19. @bigjohn927 May 23, 2024

    To everyone who says "cheap shots" or "too dirty" etc etc. Read the title. Self defense hand to hand combat isn't MMA, kick boxing, or any other competition style. It's for protecting yourself and your loved ones in a real life defense situation. Any attack on the street should be considered potentially life threatening and handled as such.

  20. @bigboi7ish May 23, 2024

    " Fuck That Shit Man " lol

  21. @TESilent May 23, 2024

    Theres a difference between a fight and an assault.

  22. @mermaidknows May 23, 2024

    Great techniques especially for women! Plus, if the attacker can't see you because your thumbs have jammed is eyeballs, hows he gonna find you! Excellent video

  23. @robertirlbeck8069 May 23, 2024

    F**K that SH*T A*S! excuse my language…

  24. @robertirlbeck8069 May 23, 2024

    F**K that SH*T A*S! excuse my language…

  25. @CreepX May 23, 2024

    This is real, like you said – fuck that shit… these techniques are self defense to a T. Ladies take notes.

  26. @blue0eyes0knight May 23, 2024

    this is great material, these are the gross motor tools that actually work in a highly adrenalised state. and he's right soo many people dont know how to fight close range, they wrestle and swing haymakers doing no damage. also the side cover guard or rhino i see you use in the video is great and something i also use. that technique is an indication of a person who understands street violence/self defence

  27. @choccows May 23, 2024

    why are they always massaging their hands?

  28. @kidncalii May 23, 2024

    ok i dont wanna kill a kid if someone wants to fight me at school haha

  29. @waynebaize May 23, 2024

    i took karate and my sensei never told me to hit some one in throat and fuck there head with a knee

  30. @Leon612 May 23, 2024

    Once George Zimmerman is found not guilty, it will be imperative that we all know these moves to protect ourselves in self-defense.

  31. @NYWAORCANZ May 23, 2024

    a good slam anywhere for exsample on his back will break his stance or hold and sting him for a couple of secounds

  32. @kingjafejoe1 May 23, 2024

    great vid.street fights between full grown men is pretty much a possible life or death situation whether u intend it or not,so i think these kind of techniques are crucial


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