EDC Knives | Hard Ready HR-1 Knife Review Karambit Knife Fighting
When it comes to EDC (ever day carry) knives there are a lot of options to choose from. Even though there are some other knives that I like better for various reasons, I bought the Hard Ready HR-1 for a specific reason: the training blade. A knife is a tool and you need to know how to use the tools that you carry on you. Therefore, you need to train and the training blade that Hard Ready provides gives you that ability. Yes, you can train with any old training knife — which is fine. However, being able to train with a knife that is exactly the same cut, feel, AND fits in the sheath that you carry your actual blade in is a huge bonus to increase the efficiency of your trainings and improve your odds of survival in a self-defense scenario.
Hard Ready Website: https://hardreadybrand.com/
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Train Perfectly. Fight Ferociously. BE READY!
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“Knife Defense Series || Part 3: 2on1 Control”
Karambit Knife Fighting