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Bardor Tulku 7 Point Mind Training KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 May 16

In this commentary on 7 Point Mind Training by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche given in 2018, Lama provides us excellent ways to overcome negative mentalities and to increase positive mentalities like love, compassion, and kindness. All mistakes are my own. 🙏❤️ May all beings benefit.

This teaching is available for free PDF download here:

In this teaching, the late Bardor Tulku provides a great instruction on the famous 7 Point Mind Training. This is perhaps the most powerful practice for cultivating compassion, love, and bodhichitta. But what really makes mind training, or lojong which is the Tibetan word, so powerful is the way it makes us invincible to difficulties in life. Ordinarily, when people encounter difficulties, they tend to get really upset, and experience a lot of anxiety and stress; however, when a mind training practitioner experiences difficulties, they say give me more difficulties. In fact, they say give me all of the difficulties of all sentient beings, and give them my kindness. In this way, mind training is a powerful way to help us live better lives.

This instruction revolves around Tonglen, giving and taking. Compassion is the practice of imagining that you take all suffering and the causes of that suffering from all living beings. Love is the practice of visualizing giving all of your happiness, your positive karma, and your wealth, merit, and happiness to others. This 7 point mind training is exceptionally powerful, and it’s a very nice way to make your mind invincible to the challenges of daily life!

The 7 points covered in 7 Point Mind Training:
– Point one is, First Train in the Preliminaries
– Point two is Cultivation of bohdichitta, the main practice
– Point three is The Bringing of adversity to the path of awakening
– Point four is Summary presentation of how to use this practice throughout your life
– Point five is Measure of Mind Training.  How to tell how it’s going
– Point six is the Commitments of Mind Training
– Point seven is The Rules of Mind Training

0:00 – Introduction:
16:18 – Point 1: First Train in the Preliminaries
23:26 – Point 2:  Cultivation of Bodhichitta, The Main Practice
53:25 – Point 3: Bringing Adversity onto the path
1:13:24 – Point 4: How to Summarize this and use it throughout your life
1:21:14 – Point 5: How to Measure Your Mind Training
1:24:55 – Point 6: The Commitments of Mind Training
1:37:04 – Point 7: The Rules of Mind Training



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