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Can You Kick a Knife out of Someone's Hand?! KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 May 14

Is it possible to kick the knife out of a bad guys hand? Together, myself Ryan Hoover and Amber Staklinski from@FitToFightRepublic along with Icy Mike from @hard2hurt put this question to the test!

Ryan Hoovers Knife Kit

Now, this isn’t the most responsible knife defense to do.. like at all. In fact if you look over the stuff Ryan and Amber have talked about on their channel, its the opposite. Knife Defense is a tricky subject and this is dumb… but its pretty fun to think about, aye?

Thanks for watching!


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Intro music:
“Flintstone” by Cxdy

Outro Music:
“Pillow Talk” X I X X
Music Provided by YouTubers Music



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  1. @SenseiSeth May 14, 2024

    Fill in the comments with the pun I should’ve said at the end

  2. @fetidcreeper May 14, 2024

    I did it once! I was in a mcdojo jiu jitsu class through YMCA for a couple of months as a kiddo, and learned a really terrible, like half crescent half sweeping kick, to disarm an attacker. Thought it was awesome and couldn't wait to run into an angry ninja to use it on. Well, like 3 years later, my best friend and I were accosted by a local ruffian (some trailer trash kid with a rusty pocket knife, who had previously stabbed his own sister with garden shears), and it dawned on me. I was like a man on fire, all 11 years of my life lead to this moment. I assumed a quick shift of weight, threw the most disgusting kick in the universe, and sent his knife FLYING two feet away. He stood there looking at us, and it was just awkward at that point. Iirc, he just kinda gave up and walked away

  3. @pyrrhusofepirus8491 May 14, 2024

    Basically when it comes to knife defence, if you can’t run or retreat then the general tactic of defence is “hey if it works it works”

  4. @nasirlodmeki9172 May 14, 2024

    Good defense trick.


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