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Hand Forged DAMASCUS SICKLE out of Rusted Bearings Karambit Knife Fighting

qcreek11 May 11

Hello guys, this time we Hand Forged a Damascus SICKLE out of four ball bearings. We started this project back in February 2022 and this took us almost a year to be completed as we forged it by hand following ancient smithing manual.

I recommend you to watch full video you’ll enjoy revealing damascus patterns and it’s final results, I tried my best to make best sickle on internet. I didn’t make it too sharp because I never make it to cut grass or harvesting of vegetables, this is just a fantasy object and can’t use in real life.

I used these types of steel.
High carbon bearing steel= 52100 chromium steel
1020 wrought iron
Overall weight= 1300 Grams
Overall Sickle Length= 18 inches
Handle Length= 8 inches
Blade Length= 10 inches

0:00 Review & cut all 4 Bearings
0:31 Forge Bearing Opening
2:18 Welding two Different Iron Stripes
2:45 Forging Iron Billets Saperately
3:50 Weld & Forge Both Billets
6:05 Cutting & Sanding
7:04 Blade Bevel
7:55 Hardening Process
8:15 Hand Sanding
8:45 Pommel Threads
9:00 Starting Pommel & Handle Parts
10:40 Sickle Design
11:54 Handle Grip
14:12 Buffing
14:32 Revealing Damascus Patterns
15:05 Polishing the parts
15:35 Assembling
16:00 Review Royal Sickle

Forging DAMASCUS SICKLE out of Rusted Bearings

Follow all these or I’ll forge your hammer.
Our Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/random.hands/
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Youtube Subscription = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI3dm4qgAEV67Jc6797WIA?sub_confirmation=1

Thanks for watching
Best wishes
Random Hands

Karambit Knife Fighting


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