Kali vs Street Fight – REAL Filipino Martial Arts You Want to Know! KarambitKnives,com
May 10

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The second move wld be my go to move!
Bernard from Virginia
Thank u
I got a old hernia and lower back injuries, knees bad. Still strong AF though. I can kick, but it's very risky for me, and I really can't even practice such much, because it hurts me. So my goto would be such a kick exactly as you describe, if I kicked. I would likely get out of the way if I could, or block and strike.
Yeah, I agree about the pulling the knife while controlling the chokers arms. Get the knife into action ASAP. Especially if they got you from behind in a locked choke. I had quick blade and got knocked out by a mugger from a locked choke from behind. Last thing I remember is having my knife ready, and then he used so much strength I was out. Reverse grip down low is best for that I believe. Why I like kerambit style blades. I been prosecuted for defending myself. Fact is, really having to fight is serious as it gets. Only takes one punch or kick or something to the head, or a sudden blade to the neck, or in the chest to end or maime a victims life. Might even win but can't work for a few days and end up on the street with no job, pigs hunting you for profit prison stock. I been fight hurt where I couldn't row for a week, and I lived a half mile from shore. Finally had to flop over and swim in for water. Then some turd who knew the other turd saw me and wanted to fuck me up, but didn't realize I could still pick up a big nasty chunk of coral with my other arm. Hell yeah! Get that blade into action and cut the turds out of your life. I get fucked up, who's gonna feed my sweet doggie and take her out to the forest and love her? Well I can't run away anymore. So my object is to render threats non faster than they can multiply.