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Life-Saving Tips: Don't Become the Next Victim of a Stabbing KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 May 06

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Learn how to defend yourself from an edged weapon. Bob Taylor shows you how to block and disarm a knife attack. The forward thrusting stab is one of the most common and deadly knife attacks in the world. In this clip, you will learn how to quickly block a knife attack and effectively disarm the attacker using a simple and painful joint lock.

De-escalate the attack by staying calm, asking what the attacker wants, calling for help, and running away if the opportunity arises.
Disable your assailant by attacking their throat, groin, or eyes.
Defend yourself by grabbing a makeshift weapon and trying to disarm them. If possible, grip your attacker’s wrist so you can control where the knife goes.

Make an opening to run. If you’re attacked by a person with a knife, you should always try to run before fighting. Often, however, you may seem stuck. You may be cornered or your attacker may be blocking your only exit. You’ll need to disable your attacker to create an opening to run away.

Okay, we’re going to move to a different type of knife attack. This is a thrust straight forward. Okay, once again, pay attention. Don’t go for it until he leads with that foot. Back it up. Don’t lead with the foot. Just let him do that all day long. He’s got no strength and he’s trying to make you commit your body center to give him a better target. Make him commit. This one is a cross block. Again one time. This is both hands this way. Shoot them both down. You have a whole range where if you miss exactly where he’s stabbing, you’re still keeping it underneath there. Cross block. Shoot both hands down. Just like that. Like that. You catch it every time. Okay, come on. Block backhand palm here. This side hand is grabbing here. It’s starting a joint lock. Over like this. Again slow. Start to roll and you maintain first joint lock. This joint lock is not on the sides of the hand. It’s the middle finger bone here straight down. You just push on these and not much lock up. You push on here and boom, boom, boom. Every time. That’s how you lock it up. Second variation. Block same joint lock. Only this one. The guy’s momentum is carrying him forward. You don’t want to stop it. You want to keep him coming forward. Break his elbow down. Take away. Third variation. The guy’s trying to stay away from you. He’s trying to stay out there. Let him stay out there. Step over. Step.

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  1. @FightFast May 6, 2024

    Get Your Lethal Fight Enders Here


    20% off


  2. @SHADOW-nj3kv May 6, 2024

    If you do this you will die

  3. @stevedavenport9657 May 6, 2024

    Anyone trained in MaFilindo would have killed this poor man. Grab anything to get between you and that blade and if you get an opening RUN!

  4. @whozyourdaddy May 6, 2024

    I clicked the link in the description and it took me to Bud Light's home page.

  5. @MikMarr May 6, 2024

    Folks, these "encounters" ARE STAGED. N real life, n a REAL KNIFE FIGHT, the actor with knife isn't compliant and reserved. Walk or run away from a knife fight.

  6. @jajmylife May 6, 2024

    Oh my I remember my last knife fight it was like I was in a matrix with the universe everything was moving at a slow pace I felt I saw his moves before he was born so obviously I won

  7. @stevendiosdado5985 May 6, 2024

    Bullshido 101!!

  8. @darthyautja3442 May 6, 2024

    Yay more bullshido…….maybe he should watch some CCTV of actual knife attacks.

  9. @pepepepino9485 May 6, 2024

    Every knife stab takes a 0.045 milliseconds so in 30 seconds you have 33 knife stabs just by guess would be a bit more,it better to learn where the vitals organs are located rather than grab de arms

  10. @shingitai5882 May 6, 2024

    Yes it’s a really good idea to go make yourself static and potentially unstable as you are putting your genitals next to a knife that an aggressor is trying to stab you with, especially when the technique you are using next doesn’t require it. I guess this technique is either out of context or has been invented by someone who has never been attacked or seen someone attacked with a knife.

  11. Nice…. ✅️


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