As REAL as it Gets! The EDC Push Dagger ! KarambitKnives,com
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Yojimbo Fight Gear – by Luke Holloway
Luke Holloway
Founder of Raw Combat International
Personal Security & Survival Advisor
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All videos uploaded are for demonstration purposes only. We do not recommend you try these techniques or skills practiced in the clips/videos or pictures. If you want to learn them you must consulate a doctor before training and train with a professional. It is your responsibility to comply with your local, state and national laws concerning the use of force and weapons!!! We DO NOT take responsibility for your actions nor decisions! We offer free professional courses however the videos etc on youtube have very little to do with them. We are simply giving examples of what We do in practice, not what you should do in practice or real life. If you choose to copy, mimic or train any of them techniques movements or practices in any of these videos you do so at your own risk. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact us – info (at mark) raw-combat (dot) com
You trained in "knife fighting" you are NOT a knife fighter! Very fucking true. Most people love the style and flows, myself included, but most aren't ready for how brutal and bloody a knife fight actually is. Rubber and steel are very very different beasts!
Imagine a boxer with the push dagger
this is really scary.
Serious dude you are bro I subscribed my brudda
A push dagger is so brutal you don't even notice the poke and then you start to bleed
Push daggers are my fav. Too bad they're illegal to carry almost everywhere. Very natural to use, and devastating!
The heart is directly beneath the left rib cage. If the push knife is 2"or longer, punch the chest in the left side (your right arm faces it straight on). The ribs may block the blade. It will slip right through two ribs & go directly into the heart. That's an instant heart attack. The blade has to be parallel to the rib cage to get a clean insertion, without the rib blocking the entry.
Ooooooh thats nasty personally I carry a 3in blade on me but I pray every day that I never have to use it besides to cut my fruit up at work
Natural motion rules No wasted movement Solid stuff Luke
Good point there mate. I'll have a scrap now and then but fuck stabbing someone. Life and death/kids aside of course
Stick em with the pointy end.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Notification squad!!!
Been a fan of your channel for some time now Luke, and have 'Liked' many other videos as well .
This one, particularly with what you said in the beginning. So spot on and true. Cheers!
Push daggers are just horrible but I still have a ton of them. Thanks.