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Ice Pick Grip Knife Defense KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Mar 23

Learn Knife Defense

One of the scariest types of assault is the ice pick grip knife attack. When you see the quickness of this attack in full speed, it’s quite astonishing of how dangerous it can be.

The reason why this attack is so dangerous and why it’s so hard to defend against, is because of the power coming in from the attackers’ momentum.

If you try to catch the knife from the top, it might be very difficult to accomplish. It’s a very difficult move to perform. Instead, you might want to block the arms of the attacker using your forearms to deflect the stab as much as you can.

In this dangerous situation, you also want to use your low kicks to prevent your attacker from getting closer with the knife. As soon as you see that he doubles down, step in immediately to follow up with devastating strikes to the head.

You need to finish the attack by using offense!

We hope that you enjoyed this knife defense tip. Feel free to share the video:

For a complete instructional video on Knife Defense please visit:

Stay safe,

Nick Drossos and Patrick V
Code Red Defense



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  1. @codereddefense March 23, 2024

    Thanks for watching. Learn Self-Defense by subscribing to our Newsletter:


  2. @theidirianthinker108 March 23, 2024

    Im mean, the other systems do work. Just street shit is barbarrick thats the differenc evs actual military, or fighting defences.

  3. @adelewoodruff9413 March 23, 2024

    Excellent! Reminds me of what George Silver said about defending against the dagger; " First know that to this weapon there belong no wards or grips but against such a one is foolhardy and will suffer himself to have a full stab in the face or body or hazard the giving of another." translation: If you try your fancy grips and such against a dagger used icepick-style you are going to get messed up.

  4. @FaceD0wnDagon March 23, 2024

    The most basic way to tell if a martial arts system is meant for actual fighting: Is the opponent compliant, or resistant?

    With a resistant opponent, it's pretty easy to tell you guys are focusing on actual self-defense scenarios. Good stuff.

  5. @mynameischess230 March 23, 2024

    How about RUN? instead of trying to kick him? Why is that not the first suggestion?

  6. @mynameischess230 March 23, 2024

    Look at the fucking psycho doing the demo lmao. GET HELP BRO YOU LOOK WAY TOO INTO THAT

  7. @BlackMaskq March 23, 2024

    Nice point

  8. @jajabinks92123 March 23, 2024

    Attacker has the advantage of starting the attack…so…you'd have to be really aware of him closing in to initiate the front ball kick. Usually ice pick "sewing machine attack" is already coming…and u then react.

  9. @condorkon7928 March 23, 2024

    First leg kick. Leg would be stabbed

  10. @franky2shoes660 March 23, 2024

    ….Brutally effective, amazing what the brain comes up with. This technique is pretty much what I came up with,….in the 30sec of trying to talk my way out of a jail fight. next thing I know this real whack job starts to run up on me…shank in hand. It was a wooden pointy thing 6" there abouts. His technique..Norman bates icepick grip and rearing jig me uo. The only way out in my mind was to kick the knees or something…Awsome video! YOU SIR, ARE A CRITICAL THINKER! A quality that gets seemingly scarcer every passing day.

  11. @zaqarnage March 23, 2024

    What if its a short person and doing leg kicks allows them to cut them?

  12. @forliberty47 March 23, 2024

    A lot of people teach catching and grabbing the arm. Your comment about the thumbs is so true. I've hurt both thumbs doing this on different occasions and trained with others that hurt their thumbs too. Be careful as those thumbs take a long time to heal up properly.

  13. @itssweet2125 March 23, 2024

    I’ve been stabbed from the stomach had a coma then after the coma I still had to recover cuz the wound was too deep

  14. @JoshD4271 March 23, 2024

    I had a guy ran at my friend with with knife at a BBQ over girls. I ran at the attacker punch him in the face. As he fell down his arm swung out and the knife hit me just above my collarbone. I jumped on him with a full body mount pinned his arms with my legs and started feeding punches. I grabbed the knife and got off him. He got up and ran to his vehicle and took off. This was probably the closest time I ever came to dieing. With the amount t of adrenaline I did not know I was cut and bleeding until my friend told me. The cops showed up and all this guy got was two years probation with house arrest. Got to love Canada's justice system. I'm thinking about joining martial arts but don't know which one to pick thats the most realistic.

  15. @Chainsnatcher March 23, 2024

    Trie taking a knife from Brock Lesnar.

  16. @davebusink2019 March 23, 2024

    Lol this is still bs lol #changemymind

  17. @12hornets March 23, 2024

    Ice picks are just savage

  18. @lieutenantatrex2948 March 23, 2024


    although the way he got assassinated was a different version of an icepick i think is the pickaxe version i believe

  19. @nosserhar3361 March 23, 2024


  20. @Shovelhook March 23, 2024


  21. @abdelmoudjiboussama1103 March 23, 2024

    Ice pick is fucking deadly weapon super killer

  22. @BamfNooby March 23, 2024

    Best defense to a knife attack while you are unarmed is to run the fuck away lol.


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