Gerber Paraframe Mini knife review
Mar 24

Review of the Gerber mini Paraframe folding pocket knife.
Review of the Gerber mini Paraframe folding pocket knife.
The knife is metal right?
I got this knife for camping, it's smaller than it looks. It clip just right to the belt and you can forgot you got him.
Thanks for showing me how to close it… Lol
I have the full size one and its alot easier to open instead of the indents it had little nubs
The blade is 3.4inches btw
I got that kind
I bought the same knife as my first knife and had to see this video on order to know how to close it
I have the exact same knife
No, in America there is three versions
I keep this knife in my Altoid can homemade EDC kit as a backup and it fits perfectly. Great knife!
Hi mate, l am in Australia, and l found that the symbol on the gerber knife is same as yours. but different from the symbol on Gerber knife on the U.S. Gerber official website. Does anyone know what makes that difference ? Thanks
I have the exact same knife as that
Man shit I was only 9 when I got this as a first knife I don't know what my parents were thinking when they gave me this and I had stiches for half a month it was a 6 inch scar down the side of my arm
in America there is four or five that are aligal
Have the same knife
And it's mini
Found one in a parking lot last week, finally found out what it is. Only thing I don't like is that the lock is kind of hard to push.
i think the blade is 2.22 inches
5 inch?
I have the small one but it has serrations
This is actually a nice knife. If you use it in the manner it was meant for you'll be satisfied for the little money you spent on it. For those that complain about the quality of the steel – get a sharpening stone; spend a few minutes sharpening it. Yes you can remove the clip, however you will not be able to place the screws back into the frame flush with the frame. Those clip screws, without the clip, are too long and hinder the folding operation of the knife. I was also able to bend and manipulate the clip to my needs without breaking which I liked.
Again in this pacified country the brainless have laws for the dumb and scared. Tight weapons control, be it for guns or knives does not stop ne'er-do-wells from using them; in fact, it empowers them because they know that the average punter has no weapon at all!!
If you have an outdoor hobby from fishing to bushcraft, you need a knife, and while it is true that technically if you can justify carrying a legal knife, it is up to the braindead copper who stops you to decide if HE or SHE thinks you are justified in carrying it. People have had to go to court to prove they were justified, because a copper, who's had an argument with his lard-ass wife wants to take it out on somebody.
It really is pathetic, I know someone who went about town threatening people with a very large saw, no copper stopped him, because he's, obviously, a carpenter.
Fact is, anything can be a deadly weapon, a Bic biro shoved in the right place can be deadly, in fact, take out the inner and the vic will bleed out too, a credit card can slash a throat, an old-fashioned belt-buckle can puncture and eye and kill the vic, the list goes on…if someone wants to cause harm, they'll do it.
If I were a violent international criminal, the country I'd love to live in is the UK, virtually no citizens can confront me, and the cops have to call in specially trained cops (who are very specialised in killing illegal Brazilian electricians in London), because coppers are mostly unarmed -and ASP spray is no counter to a S&W 500 or an Uzi lol
If someone invaded the UK tomorrow, it would be all over by Monday morning…
The lock on it is called a framelock. And is every bit as illegal to carry as a linerlock. And is in fact stronger and more reliable in some cases.
focus, please
legal in au since you can open with 2 hands
I got mine at Target for $9.99