More media knife hysteria
Mar 23

With the UK violent crime rate soaring there is even more media hysteria surrounding knives. Support me on Patreon …
I'd have been scared to mention hammers, soon you may only have foam hammers or safety hammers of a sort. Then people would just go to tree branches, or loose bricks. Good luck with it over there.
Government logic:
Ban guns, people won't shoot each other.
People use knives.
Ban knives, won't be able to stab or cut each other.
People use hammers.
Ban hammers and other blunt tools that can double as weapons.
People use rocks and tree limbs…
People never cease to amaze when they think, on all sides of politics, that crime is so simple 😛
Is there anything that politicians actually do know anything about?
Given that these bans are being enacted in the country that gave us the Millwall Brick, I don't think this is going to have much effect on the rate of violent crime.
this is why we cannot have nice things
Knives are not weapons, they are tools that can be used as a weapons, like a hammer or a crowbar or a screwdriver.
only way to stop violence completely is to disable the part of peoples brains that drive them to violence. other than that the best thing we can do is to try and take away the incentives people have for doing violent acts.
If you do metal/wood work, it'll take no time for you to realise that humans can get hurt extremely easily
If knives didn’t need points utility knives,box cutters,razor holders,etc. wouldn’t have points.
I get the feeling I'm going to have to "lose" some of my knives soon… Again…
"If we ban knives people will understand and respect our decision" Our amazing government ladies and gentlemen.
It would take just a couple of minutes to put a point on a rounded off blade.
The Brits have lost their tea. Also a simple kitchen knife and a jacket bypasses all of that.
In prison, sharp and pointed objects are banned. They still manage to kill each other in prison.
Awesome Knife
In italy you can have knives and machetes/swords but you have to keep it at home and never take it whit you…
>>recording video holding knife talking about the UK.
>>SAS busts down door because he's got a knife.
You brits gone full ancient!
If that’s a zombie knife, then my butter knife is fucking katana
It’s all bullshit what’s the point in all these laws criminals don’t carry zombie knives and knives over 10 pounds they carry kitchen knives
Is there Any filter that can filter black mold me and my are going into a Abandoned place with lots of it
How do you tell what year an Israeli civillian gas mask is made? Like what markings do I look for?
Things in the UK are fucked.
I can't understand the reasoning of ID'ing someone buying a hammer. I think the minimum age for buying a knife is 16 in my state in australia.
Hey I have a few questions about the m-17 gas mask first is there a way to check if the mask is leaking any deadly chemicals and is there a way I can get new filters for the m-17
And is there anything harmful in the filters of the m-17 gas mask
first time I heard you ever drop the C bomb ha ha ha
I'd feel so much safer with only blunt knives. No one would evar think to sharpen a stick. Why dont people get my logic??
its okay, I was riding a bike when my front wheel fell off. I tool the bike home and found out that my wheel had actually snapped off and the spokes where bent. I decided to take the wheel to halfords to get one of similar size and I was stopped by foot patrol police. they said that I was suspected of carrying a dangerous weapon, I then proceeded to ask what it was they thought I had, they replied with "the broken wheel your suspiciously carrying". I laughed thinking it was a hole only to find out they whereby joking. I let them continue the search before letting me proceed with my journey. I am truly baffled.
More Americans are murdered with hammers than guns.
Just sayin'.
Yes but… do you have a license for that?
What equipment would you prefer to going to a radioactive zones
When I saw this on the news and they said it was a zombie knife I was so annoyed
Oh btw, we have over here Zombie ammo lol. Its just regular ammunition of different types in flashy boxes and the ammo is green lol. I almost picked some up as a novelty. Crazy fads.
I wouldn't even use their terminology. "Zombie Knives" "Assault weapon" ect ect. These words and phrases are only used by the left to scare people and push their agenda of disarming the public. Tell a lie long enough and people will believe it. Someone famous said that I think lol. Anyway excellent video, the craziness never stops……..
Has your government heard of "the black market" where you can still get weapons illegally?
Great video
Plenty of Londoners that are practically zombies, guess you could sort of argue it.
I believe if the UK had an actual police force, most crime would go down. What would happen if you guys had a school stabber? The police can't do anything about that. The government is falling apart and this is the "easy" way out. Lack of training and funding I say, but what do I know I'm American.
The thing with filing off the point of the knives was so retarded I was 100% sure it was a joke the first time I heard it. Simply mindblowing how ignorant some people can be, to top it off that guy was a judge as well if I recall correctly? One might expect that a job like that would require some level of intelligence and common sense but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case..
Thats not a knife, this is a knife
I'm pretty sure you can sharpen blades too lol . I'm sure it can't be hard for someone with the right tools to give a blade a sharpe point again
Just for interest, the military did use knifes with no point. They were used by, for example, paratroops for cutting para lines and also to prevent getting stabbed if they landed on them. The USAF and RAF used knifes without points in their survival kits, again to prevent accidentally puncturing the plastic life raft if the airman dropped the knife (much as you dropping that screwdriver). Anyhow, good video.
Do you have a license for that assault hammer?
Media hysteria is so wonderful almost to the point of political propaganda.
Recently watch a video on u tube I found hilarious. It consist of a fourteen year old girl debunking an adult journalist who claimed he got PTSD from firing a gun at a range. Plus a slightly brush shoulder, the poor dear.
It boils down to scare tactics for the ill informed.
Or the journalist is actually a man with out any genitalia.
Made me laugh. Awesome
Great video, I'd have run that bastard down if it were me too i cannot understand why he got out and ran though, lol.
Weirdly my dad found and bought a packet of kitchen knives the other day that had no points, lol, said they were the first set like that he'd ever seen and bought them, sadly the packaging had already been chucked otherwise i'd have done a video on them.
The funny thing is most zombie knives exist as a novelty, and although dangerous when sharp they're not any more dangerous than the knives actually designed for proper knife fighting – which look tame in comparison.
If the UK government wants to reduce knife violence, they should regenerate deprived areas and give the people there stable jobs so that they don't resort to crime. The knife and gun violence would go down significantly if they did this, but the government isn't going to do this because they hate poor people.