Cheap knives that are actually good
Mar 22

Here are some cheap knives that are actually good and useful, the knives in this video are a Mora Basic, Swiss Army Knife Hiker, …
Yaaay, more content with knives please !!!!
This man has a sharp mind….arrest him !
Good god, and I though the Assault spoons where bad, someone call Scotland Yard this man has a sharp object
Yeah some components of my GP5 gas mask fell off and i was wondering if you could do a video on how to repair old soviet gas masks
Hey I bought a new Avon Sr6 gas mask and it came with a sealed D10 gas mask filter. I think it's gas masks original filter. They made the filter at 1999 and it expired at 2004. Is it safe to use?
what about a box cutter or razor blade?
I love youre vids
could you do an update video about that brass zippo and how well it still works and how it's tarnished
Is it illegal to carry a gas mask or will you just get looks
going on a bushcraft trip with my school I have my eye on a gerber folding sheath knife looks good
Do you ever wonder what its like to live in the US?
Good video. Nice to see another perspective, we did a video on top 5 knives for under 30 us dollars. Mora was Defintaly my number 1 choice the companion is almost indestructible my main choice on a folder is the buck 110. Great video and thanks for all the solid advice on gas masks.
Cool video
Mora Vikings were available for a while for £2.50 each in Clas Ohlson. I stockpiled a bunch when the chance was there (I'm sure lots of other folk did as well at that price!)
Well i've got knife for 7€ and i like it more then some of my expensive knives. I think it's about what you want your knife to do.
Very interesting and helpful, thank you.
"Reasonsble excuse / justifiable reason"
Decided by the copper depending what mood he's in
Oi mate you got a licence for that plastic knife?
Great vid, i've had variations of most of those knives or very similar knives, all decent.
great recommendations.
I have one nice custom Jacklore that I'm planning on handing on to my child, a sort of heirloom.
Very cool knives
hey weaponsandastuff93 what do you think about uk knife law?
Oi you got licenses for them knives, mate?
Nice video,I've been meaning to get a Morakniv for along time,but I haven't had a need to replace it since I usualy use a cold steel kudu (A pretty good carry knife since I'm in the US) and its held up fine since I've had it
I have a lot 1940s german knifs in my woods or in my garden:)
If I was you I'd take a look at the peasant knife,its a cheap but good built knife from new Zealand if I recall right
aahhh the opinel is very famous here in france !
I like mora knifes