Blind Rank VALORANT Knife Skins? π
Mar 22

Blind Rank VALORANT Knife Skins? Join us as I donβt team up with some of the top Radiant ranked streamers for an epic night β¦
"wow thats valid"
"very valid"
"i agree thats valid"
vtc karambit is ass
Dont let this guy rate again
1 β Araxys
2 β Neo
3 β VCT
4 β Smite
5 β Neptune
I am sick of seeing this guy, satirical or not
my list was
1. Araxys
2. neo frontier
3. karambit
4. neptune
5. smite knife.
How the actual fuck is the vct karambit 1st
my list:
1. Araxys Bio-Atomizers
2. VCT Karambit
3. Neo Frontier Axe
4. Smite Hammer
5. Neptune Hook
I think it's pretty good
1. Vct
2. Neo
3. Hook
4. Smite
5. Araxys