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  1. @steve-mpinc March 10, 2025

    Nice review Joe- rehearsing my stand up now!!

  2. @Mydixiewrecked-l6l March 10, 2025

    So. There's these two pirates standing on the deck of their pirate ship talking to each other. One of the pirates has an eye patch, a hook hand and a wooden leg. The other pirate asks him how he got his wooden leg? He says "Arrgh matey. I fell of me ship during a storm and a shark bit off me leg." Then he asks how he got the hook hand. "Arrgh. I was in a sword fight and me hand was chopped off." Then he asks how he got the eye patch. "I was standing on the deck off the ship looking up at the sail and a seagull pooped in me eye." The other pirate asks how seagull poop could take out ones eye? And the other pirate responds, "It was the first day with me hook hand. Aaaarghh!"

  3. @Mydixiewrecked-l6l March 10, 2025

    Did you hear about that lady in Wichita KS that caught her arm on fire while pumping gas? She must have been smoking at the time. Anyway she ran into the gas station screaming her head off and the clerk shot and killed her. Crazy right? Later the police chief gave a news conference and said the shooting was justified since she herself had a firearm.

  4. @Mydixiewrecked-l6l March 10, 2025

    I love this blade. I often use it for Harakiri when my honor has been dishonored.

  5. @nornacalma3764 March 10, 2025

    i just got my shinigami blade from hanyan blades and i got hooked with its shape. now if can get ahold of a tanto blade…

    so heres my dad jokes….

    1. i got none im sorry. my dad was shot 4 times. one in his face. 2 in his chest and one through his leg. we never spoke for more than ten years before he was mur dered. and i only saw him then and talked to him lying in the morgue with full of regrets in my heart. i hope someday we meet again. jokes on me. to all here reading this comment. please go talk to your father. forgive and forget the past. dont be like me. peace out.

  6. @mauricioescobedo3354 March 10, 2025

    1. Whats the most expensive fish
    In a pond??? A Gold fish
    2. Where do fish keep there
    Money? A Riverbank
    3. What do you call two monkeys
    That share an Amazon
    Account? Prime mates
    4. What is a useful comment
    When Someone pulls a knife
    On you? I see your point
    5. What do you call a knife made
    Out of wood? A Cutting board

  7. @antdog11100 March 10, 2025

    I don't hate the knife, I just don't think it's for me. It looks cool and I'm sure it serves great for my mail and maybe a tough amazon package

  8. @davidv7403 March 10, 2025

    How do you find Will Smith in a snowstorm? You look for fresh prints.


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