CRKT Provoke Folding Karambit Review
Feb 03

The CRKT Provoke folding karambit aka the transformer karambit. Aluminum body, D2 blade with a hawk bill design, low profile …
Wonderful knife
I bought the zap for my son and it is an amazing quality feeling knife, i have the D2 serrated coming in a few days for myself. I carried the zap and found for myself it was so comfortable I forgot it was even in my pocket. The provoke was also designed with pocket deployment in mind, when you pull it with the intention of deploying it I found it is smooth and quick and I didn't feel at risk opening that way. Thanks for the video, it helps scratch the itch while I wait for mine.
CRKT knives are great IMO
I have been looking at Karambits and this is on my short list. Thanks for the great review. I like it more than I thought I would. Need to go check it out somewhere. Especially, seeing the holster and could use the alias on the back of my alias belt system. By the way is how I carry 99% of the time now and it is incredibly comfortable for my IWB holster.
Cool looking knife
I think it looks cool.
I found the composite version of this for $ 83 and the compact version(2.26" blade) with the aluminum frame for $143. Of the 2, which would you recommend?