This karambit blade hits different – Thanks, Doug Marcaida
Jan 03
DougMarcaida #karambitknife #tacticalknife #survival #battlbox #currin1776.
I've carried a karambit now for a while, used it as I would any other fixed blade. It works great as long as you remember your tip orientation. Messed up a few hides forgetting to mind the tip.
It's just a magically nice karambit kānife.
Since they are actually not from combat, I would think so. It's 100% based on the farmers sickle, or scythe. It's meant to cut with minimal effort and do the work for you, especially if you're working all day with it. The curve pulls the blade through the material. The krambit like the scythe wants to do the work for you, even cutting rope. As far as combat, yes, it's 100% wicked for tactical use (if you train), and yes, if you go this route i highly recommend getting a trainer (a non sharpened blade). Nice to see a krambit review!!