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  1. @Fightookaishii October 22, 2024

    Been watching your videos all week, superb discussions.

  2. @inslayerclone4679 October 22, 2024

    Incels are living our best life right now since we are pretty much nothing to society so I am nothing to losers in this world

  3. @UnityFromDiversity October 22, 2024

    To destroy society, destroy the family.
    To destroy the family, destroy marriage.
    To destroy marriage, destroy chastity.
    To destroy chastity, promote & reward promiscuity while demoting & punishing monogamy.

    Politics is downstream from culture.

    Whoever controls the past controls the future.
    Whoever controls the present controls the past.
    Whoever controls the politic controls the present.
    Whoever controls the culture controls the politic (politics=downstream from culture)

    Whoever controls the p*ssy controls the culture.

    Blue Pill- The belief that both genders, possessing equal natures, will on average possess equal proclivities to be moral & responsible given equal qualities & quantities of invested nurture.

    Red Pill- The awareness that men & women, having different natures, will on average possess different proclivities to be moral & responsible given equal qualities & quantities of invested nurture, & how this effects societies, micro & macro.

    Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny. -Aristotle

    The micro cycle(80 years):
    Hard times create strong men
    Strong men create good times
    Good times create baby boomers
    Baby boomers create hard times…

    The macro cycle(800-1200 years):
    Hard times create patriarchy(where rights are dependent on responsibilities, since men usually take more responsibilities than women this system is described as patriarchy)
    Patriarchy creates good times
    Good times creates feminism(equal rights independent of responsibilities)
    Feminism burns everything down, creating hard times…

    To Adam God said, "Because YOU LISTENED TO YOUR WIFE & ate from the tree about which I commanded you not to:
    Cursed is the ground because of you, through painful toil you will eat of it, all the days of your life." -Genesis 3:17

    Man's hiearchy of needs:
    1 Safety
    2 Food & Water
    3 Shelter & Sleep
    4 Social & Sexual needs
    5 Communal & self esteem needs
    6 Self Actualization

    In every category of need in men's need hierarchy, the average women's needs are met better in society, yet every election women vote to take more from men and give more to themselves?!

    Women's hiearchy of needs:
    1 Equality of Opportunity
    2 Equality of Outcome
    3 Equality of Authority
    4 Equal Authority with no Responsibility
    5 All the Authority with no Responsibility for the women, with all the Responsibilities & no Authority for the man or men(especially sexual Responsibilities & Authorities).

    A tyrant has 100% authority with 0% responsibility.
    A slave has 100% responsibility with 0% authority.
    Today marriage, as redefined by the female democratic majority and family court system, makes the man a slave to a tyrant wife, who can divorce him at will, stealing his children, his wealth, and his human dignity.

    All womens natural unregulated desire is to have sex with high status bad bad boys & get innocent men to pay for the responsibility consequences(abortions, kids ect.). That's why women, no matter how meritocratic, should never vote.

    Women want equal rights authority to make all the decisions in their own life when the bad boy sexual opportunity is there. Its when accountability & responsibility slowly begin to fall on them that women want to shift responsibility back over to innocent men.

    This process of forcing innocent men to pay for the bad sexual choices of most women & and a few extraordinary men is the foundation of left wing politics.

    Women want to sit at the poker table of the socio-sexual market place & make bets & authorize promises in the hundreds of thousands in reproductive costs when they can only actually back up a few pennies worth of responsibility. If women CAN'T take responsibility for a authorization, then they CAN'T have equal authority/rights as the guy who can.

    Show me a man who takes by force what he wants from women and I'll show you 100 women who vote to take by force what they want from men. Show me a grave created by patriarchy and Ill show you an entire graveyard created by feminism/communism.

    "Any society that negates the role of the father in the voluntarily marriage contract from decent civilization building men and replaces it with a involuntary centralized welfare state will not remain civilized for long."

  4. @kevinwilson3337 October 22, 2024

    Incels are right about looks being the most important


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