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Crucial Stances for Self Defense KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Oct 12

Get a free copy Top 5 Dirtiest Self-Defense Fighting Tricks:

There are many ways of using natural stances to diffuse a situation. One way to be aware and prepared for an attack is to have your hands up while trying to diffuse. You need to make it look natural as to not alert your attacker, and keep communicating with him to lower his guard.

A fight starts the moment you make visual contact with your potential attacker. You need to be one step ahead of your opponent and read his body language to know how to react.

If your attacker is asking for money or a wallet, give it. The item is not worth your life. However, if you see that he is aggressive and loses communication with you, you need to go pre-emptive.

Feel free to share this self defense video:

Fighting Stances

Related article:

Stay safe,

Nick Drossos and Patrick Viana
Code Red Defense




  1. @codereddefense October 12, 2024

    Learn Self-Defense by joining us at Code Red Defense:


  2. @marquanbrand-moorehead1887 October 12, 2024

    I Will Go Really Sneaky on Attackers like That for Real,

  3. @paulkazjack October 12, 2024

    In really enjoyed this.

  4. @marquanbrand-moorehead3897 October 12, 2024

    I'm not playing games

  5. @tafarokhan1812 October 12, 2024

    Though if you are standing on a bus stop and it is in your daily routine then i would suggest that u try ur best to avoid the fight because u dont know what will hapen the next day if u r standing at the same place. What if that person comes with his friends and knocks you down. So your action depends on the situation and on the atmosphere. And thats the best part of this channel bcz they never teach that u have to do this and that everytime no matter what the situation is…its real world bro…u have to work with ur mind before you start working with ur hands…

  6. @johnswoboda2986 October 12, 2024

    Your left hand should be blocking at your chin or head not your right hand. Just do it exactly opposite as in the video and you be fine. 80 percent of people are right handed. Expect an attack from your left, defend your left flank if not sure. The most important thing that you can determine observing a potential attacker is if he is right or left handed. Allways keep your left hand up if you are not sure. Left leg in front of right leg and left hand defensive in front of right hand. Just opposite of what he does in the video. There are many ways to determine in seconds what your attackers strong hand is. These are basics i dont know why the instructor did it wrong but always assume that your enemy is right handed unless you observed otherwise. Your left hand high and right hand low. Left foot in front and right foot in back. Not rocket science. But if you face a leftie then do it like shown in this video. When deescalating against a right handed guy move backwards in a counter clockwise fashion. Do a half circle. Move to your right. When attacking circle forward and to your own left. Works armed and unarmed. Allways move in a half circle. Never cross your stance. Move in lock step dont compromise your center of gravity. Depending on the strong hand of your opponent. Against multiple attackers or unknown factors put your back against solid cover like a wall. Against one atacker keep moving circular. And never fight a heavier or taller opponent on your own. Give in, run or call for backup instead. Source: Swiss military police.

  7. @agnesbautista1830 October 12, 2024

    Nice video content! Forgive me for butting in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried – Chireetler Dread Free Rule (should be on google have a look)? It is a good exclusive guide for learning self effective defence moves minus the headache. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my good mate called Gray after a lifetime of fighting got astronomical success with it.

  8. @rsine100 October 12, 2024

    Very good.

  9. @Nickname21 October 12, 2024

    I dunnO moose doesn't look 300lbs…maybe closer to 250ish

  10. @Eggdalad October 12, 2024

    Wouldn't that break that guys skull??

  11. @davideflag6140 October 12, 2024

    tank you

  12. @duke6j October 12, 2024

    As always, a great video.

  13. @gabrielolmedo6816 October 12, 2024

    The last time I was assaulted was in 2011, the guy didn' had any visible gun, but he told me "gimme your phone 'cause I've a knife in my pocket". I was so scared that I just gave him, also there was a bunch of guys with him, so I think I did right…

  14. @skilfultracker October 12, 2024

    good job nick, always fun to hear about youre experiences from clubs, if you would write a biography i would have read it xD

  15. @personaltalento4382 October 12, 2024

    Can you make a video on "How to defend against a dog"?

  16. @TheKing-hn5ex October 12, 2024

    Any tip to knock somebody out easy and fast?

  17. @stiks8423 October 12, 2024

    nice video


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