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Self-Defense Against Knives: Why the Face Is Your Best Target KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Sep 28

The strike to the throat or the face will un-nerve your attacker to give you the extra half second you need to make your disarm work. Practice it until you feel really comfortable with it. May take a million reps. Add these techniques to your fighting system. #selfdefense #foryou #martialarts #vincewaterhouse #karate



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  1. @catsuP3 September 28, 2024

    bro did a finishing move on bro

  2. @justinkpryde September 28, 2024

    Very helpful so long as the attacker is concerned about making your self defense video look cool. Otherwise, I don’t recommend anyone take this advice. Get a Glock and do not get into any lethal encounters unless you’re backed in a corner or you truly don’t have any other alternatives.

  3. @prettyl3oyflow619 September 28, 2024

    There is this YouTuber it’s like “Martial Arts Journey With Rokas” I don’t want to spoil his channel, but I really think you should watch it. (Strictly about self defense) but it’s actually professional fighters and Sensis doing it. I say that to say this, idk think your technique will work in a legit fight where a dude is really trying to kill you. My opinion, but I’d love for anyone to watch this kind channel, and after seeing it, I’m sure it’ll change your opinion if you think this technique actually works

  4. @ShrugSzn September 28, 2024



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