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🔥 30-Minute ABS & CORE Pilates Workout | No Equipment, Bodyweight Only! KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Sep 21

Ready to crush your core and build abs with no equipment? This 30-minute Pilates workout focuses on strengthening your abs and core with effective, bodyweight exercises. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to push your fitness to the next level, this workout is perfect for anyone who wants to tone and sculpt without needing any gear. Let’s do this!

Timestamps & Chapters:
00:00 – Intro
00:05 – Warmup
00:50 – Plank (2:00)
03:00 – Flutter Kick
04:13 – Alternating Toe Taps
05:26 – Side Leg Lift + Knee to Elbow
06:39 – Criss Cross
07:52 – Body Saw
09:05 – Bird Dog
10:18 – Standing Star Crunch
11:31 – Sumo Squat + Heel Touch
12:44 – Beast Hold
13:57 – Lying Straight-Leg Raise
15:10 – Windshield Wiper
16:23 – V Snaps
17:36 – Russian Twists / Tuck
18:49 – Jack Knife
20:02 – Slow Climbers
21:15 – Oblique Kicks
22:28 – Butterfly Crunches
23:41 – Superman
24:54 – Roll Up
26:07 – Neck Pull
27:20 – Plank (2:01)
29:21 – Cool Down
30:05 – Outro

💪 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoyed this workout! Share with friends and hit the notification bell to never miss a session. Let’s build strong abs together! #abs #core #pilates #workout #exercise



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