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This Scientist Proved We Live in a Mind-Altering Hologram, Then Disappeared KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Sep 09

In this video we will explore the nature of reality and psychic phenomena, focusing on the fascinating theory of the missing Dr. Jacobo Grinberg. We will uncover our crucial role in creating reality and unveil the mysteries that might lie behind what is commonly known as ‘miracles.’ At the end, I will share the meditation practice used by Jacobo Grinberg, which could help you manifest your deepest desires. I hope this information aids and contributes to your expansion of consciousness.

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Documentary on the Disappearance of Jacobo Grinberg (Spanish):

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  1. @cynthiachristiansen8803 September 9, 2024

    Triforce ⚛️

  2. @BarbaraJennings-pp4zh September 9, 2024

    WHO is the NARRATOR and why was he (?) chosen. Offering $ for correct information.

  3. @tester3x September 9, 2024

    My brain hurts. I gotta stop watching…

  4. @Carriedawayncaffinated September 9, 2024

    They took him CIA BASTARDS

  5. @Girrrrrrrr September 9, 2024

    Uh..yup. Thats actually exactly how its done. Bravo!

  6. @adelkamal6464 September 9, 2024

    An issue that happened must be told,It is my obligation to say it others have the right to know. I am from the state of Qatar, It is a miracle to see an image of a person on the ceiling of my room which appeared in April 2016. The facial features are somewhat long and beautiful, with a light beard, and his hair reaches the beginning of the shoulders with sharp and glamorous eyes and a cheerful look, features are mostly from the northern Middle East or southern Europe's The picture so clear to the point of being beyond imagination, which amazed me,the incident happened quickly. I was asleep and woke up suddenly to witness the event with all my senses aware of what was happening by seeing the image. At first, I thought that he resembled a friend to a very slight degree, but inspiration came to my mind quickly. He is Christ, It took a time to not estimate it, not knowing what happened later , when I went back to sleep, occurred once .For many years I have been going through circumstances and things that no one can believe now and confident of saying what my thoughts are. Yes, my topic is that in my opinion these events or appearances of mine confuse the mind and to be mindless one. Why here are examples that I see drawings or pictures on the wall of my room and shapes of creatures that resemble humans and some with strange features and drawings and animals running and many words and pictures, and some of them suggest the future, some of which came true after a period of time and the most not only strange but something that cannot even be collapsed from its occurrence, meaning that the mind has no place for its existence, that is, it does not work. This is simply, I think you understood the purpose of it, that a colleague or a person close to me, a few meters away, comes and says you are calling my name and I did not say anything or more than that I see a person in a place while he is in another place but rather my belongings are with me and people I know say that your purpose and what you possess is in an area far from me, I will not say what it is because of its extreme strangeness but rather there are no words to express it and other matters that I realize that everyone considers it a fantasy but as I said the same person collapses when it happens,here try my best to transfer or express these phenomena hoping you understand it.using google to translate from Arabic to English,

  7. @motionbytom1885 September 9, 2024

    By simply being here, I am levitating above the Earth.

    No modded cops aye

  8. @motionbytom1885 September 9, 2024

    The illusory centre

  9. @motionbytom1885 September 9, 2024

    This is not reality. The more you take from the more likely you are to reside here for eternity.

  10. @h.u.l.k.7072 September 9, 2024

    We know that we live in a hologram. It's not a secret. People just choose to ignore it.

  11. @lisar655 September 9, 2024

    Is dr jacobo not the guy from the Scooby Doo 2 movie? Lol

  12. @JohnInDaHouse2015 September 9, 2024

    What about Quantum theory.? Quantum entanglement is when two particles link together in a certain way no matter how far apart they are in space. Their state remains the same. it is like a mirror or hologram. We forget that within the Hologram are the other dimensions 11. Importantly… the concept of time does not exist. …In 1905, Albert Einstein showed in his Special Theory of Relativity that space is intimately connected to time via the cosmic speed limit of light and so, strictly speaking, we live in a Universe with four dimensions of space-time.

  13. @lucifermephistophilies6629 September 9, 2024

    So this is nothing more than esoteric knowledge in a new ideal with a new name. Join the graveyard of those who failed before you, Ecankart, Alastair Crowley, the grape Kool aid cults, German Nazi project Black sphere, Hermetic Esoteric Viziers, researchers of the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio. All seeking the same thing and ending the same as well


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