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qcreek11 Sep 02

Boaz Aviram is one of the only Krav Maga experts who were there at the very beginning, and holds the secrets of this most effective Hand-to-Hand fighting technique ever developed. Aviram served as the Israel Defense Force Fighting Fitness Academy Krav Maga Chief Instructor, succeeding Eli Avikzar and Imrich Lichtenfeld, the father of Krav Maga.

Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery DVD Collection demonstrates a complete program of intensive training methods that can bring any man or a woman to master self-defense. Aviram takes a female novice through the entire IDF curriculum, walking you through the myriad of possibilities during confrontations, with training steps to perfect your execution of mental and motor skills and give you the upper hand in a split-second, life or death situation.

In Krav Maga, efficiency equals being faster than your opponent, and therefore always one step ahead of him. Aviram demonstrates the most efficient methods of attack and defense ever devised, through training steps designed to teach them effectively without making them complicated. In addition, Aviram’s explanations and answers to his student’s questions make these DVDs an invaluable source for any serious self-defense or Krav Maga instructor.

The name Krav Maga was first used in the IDF to designate the Hand-to-Hand fighting system developed by Imrich Lichtenfeld, a former European champion in three branches of sports: boxing, gymnastics and wrestling. After serving two years in the British Legions, he immigrated to the future State of Israel, where he initially trained Israeli underground guerrillas in the use of a knife, stick, swimming and Hand-to-Hand combat. When the new State of Israel was created, he became the first IDF Chief Instructor of Hand-to-Hand fighting. Krav Maga was adopted shortly thereafter as the official Hand-to-Hand system of the IDF.

When the founder of Krav Maga retired from the IDF, he transformed the 21-hour military intensive training curriculum into a 4 year Dojo training system based on the Japanese Judo ranking system. This civilian adaptation was diluted to be taught over long periods of time, and extracted many of its lethal elements. Imi’s rationale was to keep the essence of Krav Maga in the IDF, and make a Civilian system suitable to teach youth. Upon his death, the generic name Krav Maga (“Contact Combat” in Hebrew) was adopted by many Martial Arts instructors who respected Imi when he was alive, but commercialized his system after his departure.

Boaz Aviram, determined to preserve the spirit and body of the original Krav Maga, had published the book “Krav Maga — Use of the Human Body as a Weapon: Philosophy and Application of Hand to Hand Fighting Training System,” with tells the true history of the system, its rationale, uniqueness, advantages, and completely documents what the training system is all about and how to use it. Aviram then created this Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery collection of training videos, the most comprehensive and detailed course in Krav Maga ever recorded. He is the founder of Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery™

Contents of the Collection: DVD I Introduction, Specific Warm Up, Pressure Points, Danger Analysis, Reaction Time, Knockout Hand Strikes, and Combat Motion. DVD II Basic Kicks and other Hand Strikes. DVD III Defenses vs. Hand Strikes, Defenses vs. Kicks, Fighting Drills, and Other Kicks. DVD IV Escapes from Grabs Holds and Chokes, and Prevailing in Grappling Scenarios, Rolling Techniques, Restraining Techniques Counter Escapes. DVD V Break Falls, Prevailing in Ground Grappling, Use of Clubbing Weapons, and Defenses vs. Clubbing Attempts. DVD VI Knife Attack Methods, Defenses vs. Knife Stabbing (Using kicks or Hand Techniques), Knife Fighting, and Tactical Applications. DVD VII Getting out of Pistol Threat Scenarios(Standing, Sitting, and Unpredicted Scenarios), Defense vs. Assault Rifle Threat, and Assault Rifle Retention.




  1. @KravMagaIDFTopExpert September 2, 2024

    The Human Weapon for Self Defense:
    The Human Body has a brain two arms two legs torso and pelvis. It has many pressure points that are vulnerable. To protect them, you need to see the whole picture: In a short course you learn what these pressure points are, and devise a top down designed moving system of self defense!
    What is the human weapon then?
    It is learning how to reach and manipulate the opponent's pressure points to stop him from attempting to manipulate your own!
    What is the method of doing it?
    Since the human body has Mass and is able to generate motion and delicate articulation of the bones, we use the forces of impact and leverage in prioritized way. That prioritization process makes it easy to master the myriad of possibilities and come up with a consolidated plan of training to control your safety! One important factor of generating impact and leverage is also considering gravity maintaining balance allowing to shift all the weight to a desired direction to be use for maximum impact or leverage…
    Being ahead of the danger is critical and it gives you the option to intercept harm! A crucial element is the activity of the brain. The reaction time, is the invisible element of initiation of any motion. The body decides and the body execute. That split second decision time must be considered in the training system formula to calculate the possibilities and feasibility of any form of attack and its relative interception methods. When an attacker is planning to surprise you can't read his mind. But what you must do is give yourself sufficient distance from potential threat to compensate for your own delayed reaction to a possible planned attack! The training process must be safe but yet accurate to mimic the realistic dangers. This is Pure Krav Maga!

  2. @KravMagaIDFTopExpert September 2, 2024

    What is the rationale of getting certified in Krav Maga so quickly…/Boaz Aviram

    Aside from needs to make the system available for self defense for the public finding the best available missionaries and copy cat operators there is a logic to it. In fact if you compare it to all the other martial arts, Pure Krav Maga does teach what they do in a way but a lot quicker. How is that so?

    Well there is the environment – intensive weeks of training vs. weekly hourly sessions
    The training hours are about the same but the intensity allows one warm up hour per day which is 15 percent of the curriculum vs. 30 percent with weekly hour.

    Other fitness of bait and switch techniques can increase the total non self defense material up to 50 percent and at time ironically it can be said that it is all fitness scheme. After all one error could cost your life.

    Bait and switch why? Some customers come to training as an escape and they want to develop and get complements for their ego more than they want to learn self defense. Some are only looking for the military boot camp style fitness because they feel lazy. But the major fault is a perpetuation of instructors that due to relaxed environment never got to hone their own self defense skills.

    On a final note, any training time that is not necessary completely necessary for warm up and is not dealing in programming your mind and body how to reach your opponent's pressure points before he reaches yours, is irrelevant time lost!


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