Reality of Knife Attacks KarambitKnives,com
Knife Defense
There’s a reality to knife attacks. Knives make no noise when you use them, they are lethal, and are quite easy to procure. Also, they travel very fast when being used and can certainly be fatal, whether they be big or small.
Having said that, the damage a knife can cost is great and can cause you your life, which is why it’s important to be aware of your opponent and understand that he can pull one out at any moment and attack you.
Some videos portray a knife attack with an opponent who plays around with the knife before striking at their victim. This is an inaccurate description of a knife fight.
An attacker would never pull out a knife and show it to you, allowing you to become aware of the fact he has one in his hands. He would not let you be aware until it’s too late.
A real knife attack has the following events that occur, usually:
• An attacker comes out of nowhere, prepared to hurt you.
• His hand is usually not displayed, which immediately makes one assume he is carrying a weapon.
• He strikes out of nowhere with a knife and begins to stab with speed.
Due to adrenaline, if you do get stabbed you might not even realize it. The only thing you’ll probably be aware of is your attacker’s hands performing the stabbing movement. Most knife attacks are very dynamic, happening so quickly you’ll least expect it.
Quite frankly, whether it’s a skilled knife attacker or just a psychopath with a blade in his hands, you need to be aware and prepared to fight back. Anyone can be dangerous carrying a knife; You don’t need to be an expert to kill someone with one.
Having said that, we have other knife videos with numerous different scenarios, attackers, etc. with tips on how to survive, whether it be by diffusing the situation or fighting back to stay alive.
Knife Defense
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Share the video with your loved ones and help them become aware!
Keep training hard and stay safe,
Nick Drossos and Patrick Viana
Code Red Defense
Knife Defense [Official video]
Just learn how to KO with a single punch. Go train boxing.
No one can predict a fight end of story. Its better to know some knife defence than have zero experience. Runing is not always an option . But if you can do so. The old saying never bring a knife to a gun fight also makes a lot of sense. You always are going to see these guys who say do this dont do that . This will work this will not. Blah blah . You cant predict a fight. Train . Run . Or gun .
Outstanding!!!!! This is the truth
This is the reality…this guy are telling the truth
I was fighting a guy and he pulled out a knife
How to fight with a big knife about cutting yourself
Best knife defense is to run the fuck away
that guy looks dead inside like nothing even happened like, damn
A lot of blacks try stabbing
We KNOW this shit – how do u DEFEND against it?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Another reality is that having a concealed firearm doesn't mean much as far as knife defense goes. Many knives don't get drawn until they are right next to you. Besides, drawing a firearm, switching safety, and chambering a round, all takes enough time for a knife wielding assailant to have closed some 10-15 feet, at least if charging you, and good luck to it if already on top of you stabbing wildly. There are only a couple of things possible, one is to roll, it's possible but requires space, practise & is awkward to do on any hard rough surface. Otherwise you can allow yourself to fall backwards to create some distance, but the reality is then you're immobile, and given adrenaline, and the fact handguns carry only minor stopping power, an assailant can take many rounds while still attacking until they bleed out.
So your saying it's not like the movies…?
I have been screaming about this since the 1980s. There is no such thing as a defense against a knife attack. There are only options to mitigate the damage. If you cannot run away, and you are forced to face an attacker with a knife, you are going to get cut. It's as simple as that. Learn how to mitigate wounds so they are not fatal. Don't believe me? Give someone a marker and tell them to attack you. You will be covered with marks. The goal of surviving a knife attack is not to come through unscathed, but to simply survive and treat your wounds.
This why I have a acid bomb
Some good info here, the guy has passion too. Would of been alot easier for me if the was said most calmly and the stabbing pressentation exactly the speed it was, I watched to the end and thank you for you knowledge
if i want to stick you, i will, the only question is where, and is it fatal.
They are unpredictable. Crazy.
This was very helpful now I know how to kill someone
You’re not talking about knife fighting. You’re talking about an assault with a knife against an unarmed victim. A knife fight is knife vs knife.
That almost happened to me at school in a lockdown
I like how he said a good knife fight won't show his knife
this is why i carry with me my riffle and my gun where ever i go
Makes me want to find my missing blade. I've been using my backup one for about a week now.
Other guy was coming at me claiming to have a gun. I figured that "today right now" I very well might die but I'm not going to go out not fighting. I pulled out my mini blade only around three and a half inches and began to follow the guy and he ran back in his car with his buddy before I could catch up to him. I'm actually glad he did get back in his car and didn't have a gun because:
I'd be dead
Or in prison
I don't know why most knife attackers go for the torso. It seems like a thrust to the neck or face or even the eyes would diffuse the situation faster. If you do like a hook attack to the side of the head and go through the ear canal into the brain it's instantly over
So true if.the guy is waiving a blade he doesn't really want to fight you he's trying not to have to. And getting stabbed doesn't feel like much like he said. Awareness of where you are putting yourself is the best way to avoid being the victim of an attack.
0:50 14 noob
Defending against a knife is just too unpredictable. There's really no way to teach someone or learn a technique on how to defend against one.. Maybe the best way to survive one is running..
Knife attacks can happen very fast and are highly dangerous.