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Synduality Noir: It Exists! – Bandai High Grade Daisy Ogre – Build Overview and Thoughts KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Aug 23

The fact I didn’t seperate the barrels on the smoke discharger like the wheels will haunt me for the rest of time.

This has been on my backlog for a bit now, and with the Gilbow looking lonely on the shelf I figured it was finally time to get it snapped together. It’s definitely a fairly surprising build, with levels of depth that approach real grade territory in the torso, but the articulation can feel a bit lacking, and there’s stickers aplenty, although it was arguably the least trouble I’ve ever had doing HG stickers. Definitely a kit worth picking up, although it might be a tough sell at the £35 most places are flogging it for. Also, Ege Bamyasi by Can is a cracking record, even if it scared the bejesus out of me.

I elected not to class this as a fully fledged review, as I don’t think I went into as much detail on the finished set as I did with the Xabungle – it doesn’t help I found the thing somewhat hard to photograph. Hopefully what I did take will get across the ins and outs of the build.

I entirely forgot to mention that Synduality Noir is available (in the UK at least) on Disney+:

You can go and watch MJ2005Gundam’s reviews over here:

All stock photos and artwork was sourced from the relevant wikias and storefronts.




  1. @darkhorse744 August 23, 2024

    I'll definitely try to grab this when I can, kits like this that are such a departure from the usual Gunpla I buy are very interesting to me.

  2. @JuLVideos August 23, 2024

    Bought mine on an impulse when seen on sale at 25 euros, and almost forgot it till now… But after watching your review, it definitely gained a few places in the backlog queue! I too am a detailing junkie, and in that regard, it seems like a lot of fun…

  3. @galechronos August 23, 2024

    I feel like the unique appearance of kits in this line was a double-edged sword. Sure, they're cool, but they're not exactly traditional so I'm not sure how much they appeal to most people who buy primarily gundam kits.


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