Traditional art skills: Master the art of contrapposto KarambitKnives,com
Aug 23
This video by Patrick J Jones came with a traditional art tutorial in issue 168 of ImagineFX.
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Very helpful
At 3:40, that’s the artist himself..he swole
Pure magic.
Hello, thanks for videos, I just wanted to correct you about your bodybuilder statement. I too have stretch marks that goes to my biceps from my underarms and I never took steroids. Stretch marks do appear from fast muscle growth, but for my example, I started out skinny and tried to bulk to as big as possible. This would include taking into close to 10k calories a day due to my fast metabolism.
happy trees!! JAJAJAJAJAJa
Brilliant stuff. Gonna watch it later on tonight.
I asked for traditional and traditional was received lol
Excellent figure drawing instructions from lay-in to finish.