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★★★★★ Shock Knife ATTACK Sparring: Self Defense course for Women & Kid's Anti-bully Martial Arts BJJ KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Apr 10

Here is the Kalos Agon women’s self defense video course:
Here is the kid’s anti-bully self defense course, also all video (perfect for homeschoolers too):

The actual Shock Knife we use is pretty expensive, and you can get it on their website but here’s the closest thing to a knock off on Amazon:

Kalos Agon Intl is base in Enumclaw, WA, USA.

#MartialArts #KalosAgon #KnifeAttack #BJJ #SelfDefense #ShockKnife #BeauChevassus #Chevassus #BrianHiller

Original review from Beau Chevassus, Knok Studio (Media for non-profits), (Seattle nonprofit) Knok.org
Beau Chevassus is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate Beau Chevassus earns from qualifying purchases.
Beau Chevassus Amazon Review Profile:




  1. @Icehso140 April 10, 2024

    It didn't actually shock as much as I thought. It was like a very hot blade across my forearm and did indeed smell up the dojo with burnt hair. It did work well through our uniforms too. Much better than chalk knives that only leave a chalk stripe.

  2. @erickgomez7421 April 10, 2024

    Great video, needs more likes

  3. @MS-wd3ls April 10, 2024

    Why don't you just switch the knife to your other hand when he grabs your arm?

  4. @3648989 April 10, 2024

    the defender's hands and forearms are the nearest target, may be better strategy to slash them 1st to cause the defender to worry about being cut before going for the body? Filipino kali…


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