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Making The Best Space Marines You Never Heard Of! Black Dragons KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Aug 15

Play the definitive tactical mobile game set in the 40,000 universe! Collect, upgrade and join a guild to team up and face off against epic raid bosses! Thank you Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus for sponsoring this video!

Jay is on his Quest to paint all of the Warhammer 40k Space Marines! This time he tries the Black Dragons! We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

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  1. @EonsOfBattle August 15, 2024

    https://play.tacticusgame.com/eob08 Play the definitive tactical mobile game set in the 40,000 universe! Collect, upgrade and join a guild to team up and face off against epic raid bosses! Thank you Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus for sponsoring this video!

  2. @jamescreed6259 August 15, 2024

    The embodiment of salamander successors

  3. @hydecleese8877 August 15, 2024

    I used Slaanesh spikes for mine.
    Souldrinkers next please.

  4. @ChernobylKid August 15, 2024


  5. @lumichst4889 August 15, 2024

    I would love to see them as an army! I m a big fan of black dragon but I'd don't have the mean to do it myself x)

  6. @chadplayer5129 August 15, 2024

    Kinda reminds me of Guyver

  7. @deadknight1402 August 15, 2024

    An army that would be perfect for heavy kitbashing would be either Imperial Guard (you can literally just come up with your own regiment and then slap some bits together) or Adeptus Custodes (their armours are described as all being unique, after all). If you're gonna do Sisters of Battle, maybe you could give the orders each their own distinct visual flair beyond colours. God-Emperor knows they could use a hell of a lot more variety, especially if they're gonna contend with space marines.

    Blood Ravens – Unknown Founding – Mostly just a DoW ask.
    Carcharodons (Space Sharks) – Unknown Founding – Very brutal, very scary marines who operate from above the galactic plane, only speak high gothic, and use a lot of Mk V power armour.

    Crimson Fists – 2nd Founding – The first chapter to ever be seen, having been on the cover art of Rogue Trader. Make sure they have a crimson power fist.

    Deathwatch – Ordo Xenos – You can basically use whatever chapter you want with this one. And who knows, maybe you could find a way to enjoy painting them, similar to how you did with the Genestealers.

    Flesh Tearers – 2nd Founding – A more vicious form of the Blood Angels chapter (they actually take pride in the Red Thirst, and are quite a lot more prone to the Black Rage than their progenitors). Plenty of opportunities for chain weapons. Also, Gabriel Seth's take on the Primaris Marines is based.

    Grey Knights – Ordo Malleus – Can you do this without any of the special parts? Or will you cave?

    Iron Snakes – 2nd Founding – Out of all art of space marines, one of my favourite will always be that one Marine with the respirator with a grill like that of a snarling beast, and the giant, thick, slab-like pauldrons. It's such an evocative image.

    Lamenters – 21st (Cursed) Founding – The checkered pattern on the pauldrons will give you a good challenge. Plus, we gotta love these boys.

    Mantis Warriors – Possible 8th Founding – The Mantis Warriors fought during the Badab War on the side of the Astral Claws, but eventually defected to the side of the Loyalists. However, because of their initial allegiance to the Astral Claws during the war, they've lost their homeworld which was given to the Charcharodons, and went on a penitent crusade. They are at incredibly low numbers by this point.
    Minotaurs – 21st (Cursed) Founding – The unofficial attack dogs of the High Lords of Terra. You can go as OP with the model as you want.

    Rainbow Warriors – Unknown Founding – In the official lore, there's next to no information about them (though they do have rainbow-coloured plasma weapons according to a Trazyn novel), but there is someone who decided to do their own version of the Rainbow Warriors as an Aztec-themed chapter. Good luck on the fine rainbow stripes.

    Storm Giants – Unknown Founding (possibly during the 36th Millennium, so between 15th through 21st foundings, maybe older) – These Salamanders successors are described as being even larger and stronger than the marines of other chapters. I wanna see how you can do with kitbashing the size of your marines.

    Storm Wardens – Unknown Founding – Mostly because I love the idea of Scottish Space Marines.

    You could also try branching into more Chaos Space Marines, and for that…

    Alpha Legion – M31 – They're great because you get to do a lot of scaled designs, and you even get a complementary Alpharius model in each kit.

    Black Legion – M31 – Consisting of not just the XVI Legion the Sons of Horus, but of any Chaos Marines who wish to fight their Long War under the command of Abaddon the Despoiler. One of the generic "Chaos Space Marine" factions, essentially the Ultramarines of Chaos. If any loyalist chapter were to see themselves as rivals of the Black Legion, it would have to be the Blood Angels, since Horus was the one who killed Sanguinius.

    Emperor's Children – M31 – They have by-far the most eclectic and over-the-top design elements of all the Chaos Marine legions. Me personally, I prefer their pre-heresy look, but their post-heresy look should at least be a lot of fun to make. The Iron Hands fucking hate the EC because Fulgrim (the Emperor's Children's Primarch) killed Ferrus Manus (the Iron Hands' Primarch).

    Iron Warriors – M31 – The use of lots of cybernetics, basic raw-iron armour, hazard stripes, and their no-nonsense design philosophy. They hate Chaos, actually, and they'll lop off anything that gets mutated and insist on only using machinery and technology, though they're more than happy to use a daemon as a battery. They also don't like working with any other legions. Rivals of the Imperial Fists due to some preexisting bad-blood between their respective primarchs.

    Night Lords – M31 – Forced to survive in a piratical fashion, the Night Lords have strong serial-killer vibes, especially since they're not really fighters so much as predators and killers (by space marine standards at least). The black-blue armour and the lightning bolts should add some visual interest. They are rivals of the Salamanders because even before the Heresy they were skinning civilians alive and wearing their faces.

    Red Corsairs – M41 – Originally the Astral Claws chapter, the Red Corsairs are the largest new legion of Chaos to form since the Horus Heresy, having fallen to chaos during the Badab War, which was the main war that everyone cared about during Rogue Trader. They're more attractive a prospect for joining from marines not descended from the original 9 Traitour legions due to their young age, and the broad elitism of the older legions. They also have been known to utilize xenos crewmen as well.

    Thousand Sons – M30 – The cobalt-blue Egyptian psyker legion with heavy amounts of gold trim and yellow colours. When painted up, these guys are straight dripping. Rivals of the Space Wolves after what they'd done on Prospero.

    Word Bearers – M31 – Lots of daemons and religious cultish texts and motifs. Their primarch actually wrote the holy scripture that the Adeptus Ministorum/Ecclesiarchy uses to this day worshipping the God-Emperor, and was also the first primarch to fall to Chaos. They have a rivalry with the Ultramarines after the Emperor had the latter burn down the Word Bearer's most prosperous city on their homeworld pre-heresy.

    World Eaters – M31 – The most vicious and brutal of the Chaos legions, the World Eaters are all in on chain weapons and melee. They don't really have any specific rivalries with anyone, as they just fight and attack everyone, even each other.

  8. @SnugCheetah36 August 15, 2024

    I think the Minotaurs would be awesome to see. I love my spartan asses!

    I know what i said. I stand by it

  9. @willmuckel9131 August 15, 2024

    I love the Black Dragons because of the conversion possibilities and the easy paint scheme. You did a great job. I’ve done several conversions in which I’ve sculpted scales and horns. It’s a lot of work. But after seeing yours I need Tyranid bits.

  10. @quendi5557 August 15, 2024

    May I recommend Space Sharks?

  11. @kookiemonster20051 August 15, 2024

    Can’t wait for Krakens to be made

  12. @user-sm6cr2rl8x August 15, 2024

    Legion of the dambed!!

  13. @RayneOfSalt August 15, 2024

    "Never heard of"??? Lol, I'm old enough to remember when some of the Cursed Founding chapters like the BDs got army rules in white dwarf. I'm 90% sure it was during 3rd edition.

  14. @oneeyedhivemind7435 August 15, 2024

    For a moment I was terrified you were going to take apart one of those beautiful Hormagaunts for its claws. Yes, please give those beautiful models some love

  15. @lukerzonka3594 August 15, 2024

    I think you meant to do ultramarines

  16. @evanfish4505 August 15, 2024

    Embrace the Crimson Fists, we are inevitable

  17. @ThomasGallinari August 15, 2024

    Yay Sisters of Battle ❤


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