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  1. @AndreRLZ April 8, 2024

    I think that to knife well on 2142 you need a loto of pratic, but the video is great !! I can't do the dolfin ç___ç

  2. @Gazzber April 8, 2024

    Noyes, please tell me how to slice when jumping. idid it but still does not slice

  3. @virgozero April 8, 2024

    ya thanks so much you helped me out alot. I was terrible @ this until you made this. TY AGAIN ! <3 , btw I never knew why I kept geting pwned when walking back but now I know, TYVM !!

  4. @AlexdeLange1 April 8, 2024

    Nice! what is your ingame name?

  5. @rudyeilabouni April 8, 2024

    It realy did, i had 57 knife kills then in 2 ours i had 172, but my problem is that i dont have a close knifing server and my smallest ping is 160 in knifing servers

  6. @rudyeilabouni April 8, 2024

    yeah i found out, thanks.
    BTW after watching this video i played in a knife server for about 15 minutes and i had 39 kills ! and i ranked up and got some pins.

  7. @rudyeilabouni April 8, 2024

    Very helpfull!!!
    But i have a question I used to do dolphin diving without even knwoing that its dolphin diving by doing everything you said but not pressing Controll Pressing Space Bar is this good too or i have to use control??
    I think control is better because i stand up slowly when pressing space bar.

  8. @tennisnewbie121 April 8, 2024

    dood when you show when person on the floor when you talk it was fast but funny to me

  9. @woollerland April 8, 2024

    yup, i wasnt comparing guides tbh, i felt i might as well say i made 1 as well, but i tell ya watch duels on knife servers, the people who walk backwards always win, the pros who do the nooby move on duels they always win for the duels ive done and seen. also nerd i wasnt comparing and ive had my students and lets they theve all fanked me for makin it and the old clan i was in, i showed them it and shockingly there all good knifers now.

  10. @Starrshaband April 8, 2024

    I ment No/Yes' guides is better than yours, woollerland.

  11. @Starrshaband April 8, 2024

    His guide is better than yours tbh.

  12. @woollerland April 8, 2024

    its ok guide. but walking backwards does acctully kill alot of people but is a massive noob tactic tbh, when eva you want a knife duel retards js walk backwards and always win, basically a bunch of lil girls. check my vid out responced here, and my name is woolerland (yes one l) i love to giv ya a knife fight when im done wiv my coursework. whats your name?


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