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KRAV MAGA Learning Rollovers & Breakfalls Quickly and Right KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Jul 27

Boaz Aviram is one of the only Krav Maga experts who were there at the very beginning, and holds the secrets of this most effective Hand-to-Hand fighting technique ever developed. Aviram served as the Israel Defense Force Fighting Fitness Academy Krav Maga Chief Instructor, succeeding Eli Avikzar and Imrich Lichtenfeld, the father of Krav Maga.

Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery DVD Collection demonstrates a complete program of intensive training methods that can bring any man or a woman to master self-defense. Aviram takes a female novice through the entire IDF curriculum, walking you through the myriad of possibilities during confrontations, with training steps to perfect your execution of mental and motor skills and give you the upper hand in a split-second, life or death situation.

In Krav Maga, efficiency equals being faster than your opponent, and therefore always one step ahead of him. Aviram demonstrates the most efficient methods of attack and defense ever devised, through training steps designed to teach them effectively without making them complicated. In addition, Aviram’s explanations and answers to his student’s questions make these DVDs an invaluable source for any serious self-defense or Krav Maga instructor.

The name Krav Maga was first used in the IDF to designate the Hand-to-Hand fighting system developed by Imrich Lichtenfeld, a former European champion in three branches of sports: boxing, gymnastics and wrestling. After serving two years in the British Legions, he immigrated to the future State of Israel, where he initially trained Israeli underground guerrillas in the use of a knife, stick, swimming and Hand-to-Hand combat. When the new State of Israel was created, he became the first IDF Chief Instructor of Hand-to-Hand fighting. Krav Maga was adopted shortly thereafter as the official Hand-to-Hand system of the IDF.

When the founder of Krav Maga retired from the IDF, he transformed the 21-hour military intensive training curriculum into a 4 year Dojo training system based on the Japanese Judo ranking system. This civilian adaptation was diluted to be taught over long periods of time, and extracted many of its lethal elements. Imi’s rationale was to keep the essence of Krav Maga in the IDF, and make a Civilian system suitable to teach youth. Upon his death, the generic name Krav Maga (“Contact Combat” in Hebrew) was adopted by many Martial Arts instructors who respected Imi when he was alive, but commercialized his system after his departure.

Boaz Aviram, determined to preserve the spirit and body of the original Krav Maga, had published the book “Krav Maga — Use of the Human Body as a Weapon: Philosophy and Application of Hand to Hand Fighting Training System,” with tells the true history of the system, its rationale, uniqueness, advantages, and completely documents what the training system is all about and how to use it. Aviram then created this Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery collection of training videos, the most comprehensive and detailed course in Krav Maga ever recorded. He is the founder of Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery™

Contents of the Collection: DVD I Introduction, Specific Warm Up, Pressure Points, Danger Analysis, Reaction Time, Knockout Hand Strikes, and Combat Motion. DVD II Basic Kicks and other Hand Strikes. DVD III Defenses vs. Hand Strikes, Defenses vs. Kicks, Fighting Drills, and Other Kicks. DVD IV Escapes from Grabs Holds and Chokes, and Prevailing in Grappling Scenarios, Rolling Techniques, Restraining Techniques Counter Escapes. DVD V Break Falls, Prevailing in Ground Grappling, Use of Clubbing Weapons, and Defenses vs. Clubbing Attempts. DVD VI Knife Attack Methods, Defenses vs. Knife Stabbing (Using kicks or Hand Techniques), Knife Fighting, and Tactical Applications. DVD VII Getting out of Pistol Threat Scenarios(Standing, Sitting, and Unpredicted Scenarios), Defense vs. Assault Rifle Threat, and Assault Rifle Retention.




  1. @KravMagaIDFTopExpert July 27, 2024

    In Hand-to-hand combat both opponents try to control each other's pressure points first and bring them to a point of no return – The one that succeeded preserved his life! What are the elements of controlling the adversary's pressure points first?

    The elements of attack: You need to reach to them as fast as possible to use the element of surprise so your opponent would not evade your reach or block it and counter attack.

    The elements of defense: Block and Counter attack, evade and counter attack, control your opponent's body by grabbing his limbs to take him out of balance and control him that way prior to reaching a pressure points with the counter attack of having him fall in a bad angle and taking a bad impact that can delay him and slow down his resistance.

    So you need to sort all these elements in the correct hierarchy and be able to program your students to be able to juggle them into victory.

    Theory and application methods help. The theory has to be complete with minimal loopholes. The Application should be simplified into manageable segments that help retrain the theory and ability to prioritize and make decisions.

    While you need to get comfortable with efficient and less efficient attack and defense methods, there are two thing you need to do: You need to acquire comprehensive skills and you need to consolidate your methods!

    If you have a model of most efficient attacker to train with, you are not wasting time on doing ballet!

    One of the crucial elements of hand-to-hand combat is the human reaction time limit. This even has elusive terminology in other martial arts and fighting sports and is often referred to as distancing, timing, and the hotzone. That concept drives a hierarchy of priorities…

    Hierarchy of Priorities: Since you want to be ahead of the game in the game of death, you need to be alive. You can do it by not letting the opponent cut your life short, and if you cut your opponent's life short he will not bother you anymore!

    Of course there are some considerations to be made and not every physical confrontation should end in death, but a threatening scenario is a matter of a split second and if you did not react properly your game could be over for life! So you need to be efficient.

    You simply have no time to waste on something that would take longer to do than something else. If you are using a slow method and your opponent is using a faster method he will be ahead of you!

    Faster in what way? Well to control an opponent through pressure points, you need to close the gap to reach them quickly under the constraint of reaction time. You need to reach them with an impact blow, poke, grab twist and tear. You can do it directly or indirectly but that is getting too deep.

    What does training against realistic attack means in hand-to-hand-combat? Your trained attacker training partner has to be trained first to be most efficient model. He would have to attack you by reaching into the hotzone by surprise (not projecting his attack) by lunging, jumping or rolling, or he would have to instinctively attack you as you are entering the hotzone.

    His impact attack should pass your pressure points 3-5 inches. In other words, in your safe training method he should only penetrate few millimeters but can demonstrate an ability to continue to penetrate another 3-5 inches at the same split second, not when you are not there anymore!

    What about your defense methods? Well if you instinctively retracted and managed to evade his attack the attacker must have projected his attack, or you managed to foresee what he attempted.

    If you blocked or deflected his attack after you retracted you wasted your time because if he is the most efficient attack model, he would have retracted and if you moved back first and then blocked, his hand might be retracted already and he would be moving for the second attack adjusting for the distance.

    This is why in Pure Krav Maga you do not want to move back. It can happen but the more you are doing it, the less opportunity you have to save your life. If your opponent was reasonably efficient, if would have been a grave error to move back and block…

    A realistic attacker model, is the one that demonstrate ability to reach to the target passing it 3-5 inches, retracting the impacting limb and calculating his next move. If you don't block and counter attack against such an opponent you have no chance!

    And yes you need to practice last resort escapes and reaching pressure points when you are taken off balance by surprise, or being held in attempt to control you.

    Remember that if you were knocked out unconscious with a punch, kick or even a slap, or ever knocked out semi unconscious, it would be almost impossible for you to figure out where you are and how to escape a follow up attempt to restrain you or to keep beating you up to death!

    There are many training systems out there…They do not incorporate all the simple essential elements of hand-to-hand combat mentioned above! One day when they realize it and if they will not have thousands of students to lose face to by being ashamed of telling them that for all these years they had done it wrong, they will all start to look like Pure Krav Maga! It was not my idea, but it was Imrich Lichtenfeld's prophecy, and I had just clarified it!


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