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  1. @tommytortuga3073 July 21, 2024

    Well good Sir…just to be clear here…I always finger my choil. Hehe…hehehe (Beavis n Butthead giggle)

  2. @hughjassole1430 July 21, 2024

    It’s nice you can change the clip to make it lefty like I need. Only problem is God only knows what size these tiny screws are to do it!! I’ve tried every little Allen wrenches I have. Nothing fits

  3. @snazdogdbfan251 July 21, 2024

    It’s pretty nice. Fat grip for big hands

  4. @matthewadler1329 July 21, 2024

    This is the first Taylor Brands product that had grabbed my attention in a long time. The Smith and Wesson, or even Schrade branded knives I have handled have all validated the opinions of so many folks out there that agree that these knives are mostly junk, in a class with Mtech (and other UC labels) as well as the imports by Gerber. Most of the stuff seems to straddle the line between barely passable, and totally useless crap. In a way, that's worse to me than gas station knives, that dont make grand claims or pretend to be in the same league as companies like Buck, Kizer, and Cold Steel. It's more insulting to me when you are getting 7cr steel and low grade nylon, but the price would suggest something built well…but it's not. I blabb all of that to say this…I am impressed with this offering. It is a very handsome design, and the G10 looks well done. It's not a high end steel, but for the price, 8cr grade SS is totally fine for me. It feels like someone took their time, and developed this tool with the buyer in mind, and that is a huge step up from what I have come to expect from these brands. I don't expect miracles, but if Smith and Wesson or its affiliates can produce a solid budget option like this…just ONE, every other quarter, they just might have a chance of redeeming themselves. We all know that Chinese manufacturers can mass produce a high value, quality knife. If you don't know that, you haven't been paying attention, so there is no excuse for putting out trash. A little effort, and look what happens. This thing gets stellar reviews all over the web. Please…keep rounding the corner M&P. You have my attention.

  5. @joelperez5025 July 21, 2024

    $19 bucks on Amazon right now . I hada make the purchase!

  6. @hop-skipthechewtoys1836 July 21, 2024

    I've heard this has like a wave feature, that it'll hook onto your pocket and self deploy when you pull it. Did you get a chance to play with that and see if it works well?


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