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KRAV MAGA Heel vs. Knife KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Jul 20

Boaz Aviram is one of the only Krav Maga experts who were there at the very beginning, and holds the secrets of this most effective Hand-to-Hand fighting technique ever developed. Aviram served as the Israel Defense Force Fighting Fitness Academy Krav Maga Chief Instructor, succeeding Eli Avikzar and Imrich Lichtenfeld, the father of Krav Maga.

Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery DVD Collection demonstrates a complete program of intensive training methods that can bring any man or a woman to master self-defense. Aviram takes a female novice through the entire IDF curriculum, walking you through the myriad of possibilities during confrontations, with training steps to perfect your execution of mental and motor skills and give you the upper hand in a split-second, life or death situation.

In Krav Maga, efficiency equals being faster than your opponent, and therefore always one step ahead of him. Aviram demonstrates the most efficient methods of attack and defense ever devised, through training steps designed to teach them effectively without making them complicated. In addition, Aviram’s explanations and answers to his student’s questions make these DVDs an invaluable source for any serious self-defense or Krav Maga instructor.

The name Krav Maga was first used in the IDF to designate the Hand-to-Hand fighting system developed by Imrich Lichtenfeld, a former European champion in three branches of sports: boxing, gymnastics and wrestling. After serving two years in the British Legions, he immigrated to the future State of Israel, where he initially trained Israeli underground guerrillas in the use of a knife, stick, swimming and Hand-to-Hand combat. When the new State of Israel was created, he became the first IDF Chief Instructor of Hand-to-Hand fighting. Krav Maga was adopted shortly thereafter as the official Hand-to-Hand system of the IDF.

When the founder of Krav Maga retired from the IDF, he transformed the 21-hour military intensive training curriculum into a 4 year Dojo training system based on the Japanese Judo ranking system. This civilian adaptation was diluted to be taught over long periods of time, and extracted many of its lethal elements. Imi’s rationale was to keep the essence of Krav Maga in the IDF, and make a Civilian system suitable to teach youth. Upon his death, the generic name Krav Maga (“Contact Combat” in Hebrew) was adopted by many Martial Arts instructors who respected Imi when he was alive, but commercialized his system after his departure.

Boaz Aviram, determined to preserve the spirit and body of the original Krav Maga, had published the book “Krav Maga — Use of the Human Body as a Weapon: Philosophy and Application of Hand to Hand Fighting Training System,” with tells the true history of the system, its rationale, uniqueness, advantages, and completely documents what the training system is all about and how to use it. Aviram then created this Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery collection of training videos, the most comprehensive and detailed course in Krav Maga ever recorded. He is the founder of Pure Krav Maga — Self Defense Mastery™

Contents of the Collection: DVD I Introduction, Specific Warm Up, Pressure Points, Danger Analysis, Reaction Time, Knockout Hand Strikes, and Combat Motion. DVD II Basic Kicks and other Hand Strikes. DVD III Defenses vs. Hand Strikes, Defenses vs. Kicks, Fighting Drills, and Other Kicks. DVD IV Escapes from Grabs Holds and Chokes, and Prevailing in Grappling Scenarios, Rolling Techniques, Restraining Techniques Counter Escapes. DVD V Break Falls, Prevailing in Ground Grappling, Use of Clubbing Weapons, and Defenses vs. Clubbing Attempts. DVD VI Knife Attack Methods, Defenses vs. Knife Stabbing (Using kicks or Hand Techniques), Knife Fighting, and Tactical Applications. DVD VII Getting out of Pistol Threat Scenarios(Standing, Sitting, and Unpredicted Scenarios), Defense vs. Assault Rifle Threat, and Assault Rifle Retention.




  1. @KravMagaIDFTopExpert July 20, 2024

    Knife Defenses in Pure Krav Maga – Proposal to retrieve proper Military, law Enforcement and Civilian Life saving Skills/Boaz Aviram, Pure Krav Maga Founder
    Instead showing techniques from the "Bible" and blaming students for not being able to master them fast enough, and to tell them they need years of training for mastery, if you want to provide students with significant help of how to defend themselves you need to show them first how humans can use their bodies and weapons to maximum reach, force, speed. These amount to being more efficient in controlling your fate. You must also teach the invisible forces so called of awareness, timing, feinting, its consequences and cure.
    Once this is achieved, students get the idea of how to attempt to do it and how to attempt to defend it and what to expect.
    Now you would teach the best approach to handle each angle and methods of knife attack.
    When using a handy object which could also be the same weapon the opponent has there are four approaches usually to one side which is in front of the opponent. The preference of that is perhaps the ease of reach to pressure points to end the confrontation swiftly with strive to one kill shot as a counter.
    For Using your boots vs. knife you learn four tactics using kicks: front side, roundhouse and Scissors Kick. These kicks provide with best tactical approach within the kicking range. They can be used preemptively, or when an opponent did not execute a committed attack and is jumping backward after the initial attempt that may have been deflected or may have been an out of reach feint.
    For bare hands vs. Knife, there are four of these in pure krav maga with slight finishing variation depending if you have the luxury to end behind the opponent's back, or end in front of him.
    There is also another curriculum drill to deal with opponent that uses his front foot or hand for distraction with a kick, punch or continuous slapping so he can use his cross hand to stab you with no interruption. Here you learn to prioritize as well.
    Pure Krav Maga Four Knife Tactics are proofed to prevent repeated attack of any sort. These characteristics lie in few components considering reaction time, physical reach and control methods in which a strike provides the most effective control as it distracts the opponent, break his plans momentarily or permanently.
    Students do tend to get confused from the mass details required to memorize to ensure success. So be patient and keep in mind that you can always go back and rehearse prior training drills if forgotten. The key is now to aspire to have the students mind and body being able to retrieve their knowledge and use their judgments within an instant. Therefore, what is called intuitive drills such as "sparring" where students in the attacker role keeps changing his position and knife hold prior to entry into the hot zone. In such a fashion, instructors should supervise that all critical forms of approach that can contribute for such purpose had been drilled sufficiently.

    Other knife threat scenarios could be couples with the grappling chapter or could be rehearsed with the knife chapter as well. The reason is that they are more in the grappling range. Knife on the throat from the front or back are the major threats, and aside from that sparring drills on the ground could be added where students need to prioritize between controlling the knife and attacking soft pressure points. The reason why this area is not stressed in civilian environment and should not even be stressed in Military environment, is because you are talking about Pure Stupidity of allowing the fight to escalate that far. But if you have extra time on your hands you can drill them as well.
    The military does not use disciplined marching for his combat tactics, and therefore there is no merit for line up calisthenics and stand up demos instead of unarmed combat training methods.

  2. @KravMagaIDFTopExpert July 20, 2024

    Israel Defense Force Krav Maga goes to Diaspora and Comes back a foreigner!/Boaz Aviram

    An ex champion at some point of sports of boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, and swimming is forced to have fist fights in Jewish Ghettos in Nazi Germany.

    In his youth he helped his father in circus acrobatics and in teaching Jujitsu. Upon exiting Germany en route to Israel he is given an ultimatum to join the British Army where he gains military and additional H2H experience learning Fairbairn concepts.

    He then becomes chief of Fighting Fitness and Hand-to-Hand combat in the Israel Defense Force, which originally consisted of intensive use of a knife training and other H2H close scenarios.

    There he develops his system of a Genius – Krav Maga! He then decides to keep it as an IDF secret, but also exporting it to the civilian market having a "unique combination…"

    The original idea was to develop counter techniques against all the martial arts and fighting sports…Therefore ,Chinese Kung Fu, Aiki-Jujitsu, and Aikido were considered as well. Their techniques were evaluated, and few extracted, modified and adopted for the purpose of training. In fact many experts of Jujitsu, and other Aiki Jujitsu, Kung Fu, etc., are unable to recognize these techniques as they were modified in Pure Krav Maga.

    What are the essence of his developed system in the IDF, and how he gave it to the civilian public, yet leaving the original Krav Maga an IDF Secret, which at some point even escaped the IDF?

    The essence of the Israel Defense Forces Original Krav Maga developed by Imrich Lichtenfeld was all about which training partner arrive first at his opponent's pressure points with sufficient controlling force!

    This ex champion saw through his mixed fighting sports athletics bordering with circus acrobatics, traditional Jujitsu, and Fairbairn revamp of hand-to-hand training to soldiers, finding the essence of desired behavior in hand-to-hand-combat scenarios!

    It makes you think that after years of training one learns to attack first when he recognize trouble not needing to even use natural defenses when caught by surprise. You think about the environment, street, dojo, house, etc..

    You think what you use for keeping alert way before someone enters your hotzone range suddenly without you entering his hot zone first…Using your fist against the face, and foot against the body is a significance of hierarchy of prioritization's exponential efficiency!

    Although one can attack with the fist to the rest of the body, and attack with the foot to the head, it is more efficient to use straight lines as you enter the hot zone, and therefore never use the foot to kick someone in the head in the first kick! The leg simply exits one's hips going straight to another man's hips area creates a straight line, where lower or higher kicks do not!

    But again, when you take all the principles and you see the whole picture of prioritizing your navigation in reach to opponent's pressure points before they can reach yours.

    You would expect mechanical breakdown of certain principles for the part they deserved to be broken down, and you expect general statements on a system to be all inclusive…

    Civilian Krav Maga was teaching military IDF techniques! Punching, Kicking, Elbowing, Kneeing, Deflections, escapes, use of a club, use of a knife, and tactical defensive methods against them…Then only at high belt level, they were allowed to spar! Sparring however consisted mostly entering each other's hot zone and exchanging blows……

    But that makes me think that maybe students and instructors do not know or instructors do not want to teach the essence of the system or so called the lethal elements of the system, and therefore they are not aware of the concepts of reaction time, and sequential execution, do not incorporate it in their training and therefore students find it hard to execute defenses and counter attacks and it all amounts to who enters the hotzone first punching the other out without even being aware of why he succeeded this time or why his opponent succeeded in other times…

    Pure Krav Maga – Self Defense Mastery 7 Disk DVD Set teaches you the most efficient sequences!

  3. @KravMagaIDFTopExpert July 20, 2024

    Pure Krav Maga – Excellence through Proper Sequence!/Boaz Aviram

    All martial arts share common ingredients.
    People – A creature with generally two legs and two arms of which natural motion could be generated in any direction to create impact with any point of body contact. Generally it is wise to use hard bones to hit soft pressure points…

    Strikes – to strike at pressure points you need to create momentum which is acceleration of mass over distance and maintain it through penetration of that pressure point to reach the desired effect of control, damage or death. You need not project your attempts as your opponent might move away from your intended hitting location and your attempt will be futile. Also you need to plan your next move if that happens.

    Kicks – To kick at pressure points you need to create momentum which is the same principle of aforementioned strikes.

    Pressure Points – Striking, tearing and gouging points which upon activation, cause distraction through the senses, and bodily damage limiting functioning to the purpose of being unable to attack back.

    Using Leverage – Using greater force achieved with more parts of the body or with a stronger part, motion, or faster speed, in the weakest direction or redirection even in the same direction to deflect strikes, kicks, and to escape restraining holds.

    Using bare hands – Meaning using your body only.

    Using Sharp Objects Using a handy object or a knife.

    Using Blunt Objects Using a chair or a club or such.

    Preventing getting shot at when possible Using the limits of reaction time to overcome a gun threat.

    Preemptive attack makes sense that if you are the first to properly attack your opponent will not be in attack mode and you will have an advantage, so if you keep going and nothing stops you, you will prevail. If you let go, there could be a reversal of fortunes.

    Defensive reaction Last resort possible defensive move that will foil attacker's intent. If you immediately use that split second to counter attack, you are now the leading fighter that if you use your advantage properly you will not let reversal of fortunes happen again.

    As you see the above ingredients are found in all martial arts. However, learning the most efficient sequence of thought, analysis, motion, training drills, and curriculum, is the most important factor to success.

    There is a difference in the goals of using martial arts as fitness and friendly grappling, wrestling, boxing, MMA etc, where the fitness, resilience of the physics are competing to certain limits. In these scenarios the goal is staying within these limits. At times athletes are encouraged to prevail by endurance and all sorts of virtues derived by nature.

    Seeing the whole picture of a scenario or a sports fight is the essence. While the tendency in sports fights is to look back at prior opponents in the field, the tendency in Self Defense should be to look at the human capacity.

    This is because you are dealing with the average Joe that does not have time to train all the time, and you want to ensure he or she will get optimal results when needed.

    Prioritization is an important virtue of serious coaches.

    Consolidation and specific applications are important as well. The bottom line is to find the most consolidated way to overcome any obstacle, teach the essence and let the students connect the dots.

    Specific application ensures that when connecting the dots, students will not bypass an essential point!

    For self defense, the optimal thought would be to use those last resort natural tools available to overcome an attack. Being more efficient is the essence! Using the best sequences in thought, training, and defense throughout the matrix is the key!

    Pure Krav Maga Training Consists mostly of consolidated most efficient methods of safe entry into the hotzone, for the purpose of reaching opponent's pressure points to control them and secure your safety. These entries include scenarios where practitioners enter first or wait for the attacker to enter first.

    What can Pure Krav Maga do for Fighting Sports and other martial Artists? It can make them more specifically efficient to what they do and much better prepared to realistic self defense. It can also make the competitions more pure and technical.

    While it appears that most champions posses a combinations of those principles of Pure Krav Maga making them overall more efficient opponent than the rest of their members. Through learning Pure Krav Maga, it can enhance them and also enhance those who were not so fortunate to have the correct sequences in training.

    After all they learned the hard way and took few falls in their career, and will take another fall at the end of their career. While some things are inevitable, knowing the intricate details of scenarios and understanding them proficiently could very well help to avoid falling into making critical errors and waste time.

    What can Pure Krav Maga do to the average folk? It can make them aware, and train them to be more efficient in awareness and reacting using the last resort tools available to all humans driving them to use them when needed!

    What Can other Martial Arts and fighting sports can do for Pure Krav Maga – Keep it at bay if anything suddenly changes in their practices.

    Can sports and stand up martial arts adjust their training to realistic self defense scenario? Of course they can, but since there is so much to adjust starting with understanding the hotzone timing and sequences of unfolding scenarios, and being efficient throughout the process, there are many areas to adjust at once. It will be surely a long road of self learning, and all it takes one more efficient attacker to end your life!

    Pure Krav Maga – Self Defense Mastery 7 Disk DVD Set teaches you the most efficient sequences!


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