KarambitKnives.com Love toughbuilt knives, this utility scraper knife is so useful. #tool #knife #newtool @ToughBuilt KarambitKnives.com qcreek11 Jul 17 source KarambitKnives.com Tags:#lovekarambit knifekarambit knivesKarambitKnives.comKnifeknife fightingknife fighting martial artsknife fighting techniquesknivesnewtoolscrapertooltoughbuiltutility
Tough built doesn't seem to be selling in the US I got this half off on clearance
I have one as well. Definitely good ine yu need a scraper! Handy little knife most definitely
I hate that knife.It’s been totally useless for me.
How the hell are you not snagging the aluminum with that blade
I got 2 soon as I saw them