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  1. @ArmchairViolence March 21, 2024

    READ THIS before you put any more dumb comments on my video.
    If your argument is any of the following, I've taken the time to pre-rebut you. You're welcome.

    1. "That cheap folding karambit sucks! Get a REAL karambit!"
    I'm NOT criticizing the specific karambit that I'm holding. I'm criticizing Western karambits BROADLY. The one I'm holding is just the one I happened to be able to borrow for the video.

    2. "It's not the weapon, it's the person wielding it!"/"You have to learn to use it well!"/"Doug Marcaida!"
    Anyone with a karambit would be BETTER if they had trained with a BETTER knife. A sufficiently skilled fighter could kill you with a piece of string, but that doesn't mean a piece of string is a good weapon. This is the "it's all about the individual" fallacy that I covered in this video: https://youtu.be/thIzwAFh57w?t=54

    3. "It's not for 'fighting,' it's for getting close and assassinating people!"
    A) That's murder. Why are you encouraging people to carry a knife exclusively used for murder? Go to jail.
    B) If you can get close to people and sneak attack them with a knife you could kill them with ANY KNIFE.
    C) If your weapon only works when you can get really, really close to someone that hasn't drawn a weapon, and then sneak attack them when they least expect it, your weapon absolutely sucks. You can only win in a VERY specific scenario. I could win with my BARE HANDS in that scenario, so why even bother with a karambit?? In an equal scenario, the better knife usually wins. If you need 12 different advantages, your weapon sucks.
    D) The people that usually do actually murder people like this (i.e. people in prison) almost always use the knife to stab. Which is the thing that karambit sucks at. The karambit isn't even a good knife FOR ASSASSINATION!
    E) Stop living in an Assassin's Creed power fantasy. Get an actual knife.

    4. "It's for tearing flesh! Like a tiger claw!"
    You clearly didn't watch the video all the way through.

    5. "It's small and concealable!"
    There's a million different knives that are small and concealable. My EDC folding knife is smaller than most karambits but has a larger and better designed blade. Virtually every other folding knife is small, concealable, and BETTER than the karambit.

    6. "Any knife can still be useful!"
    Yeah, but I'm not going to cut my steak with a cheese knife, because it sucks at that purpose.
    Come on, you know you're rationalizing. You're better than this.

    7. "You clearly haven't been in a real knife fight!"
    Wow, I guess I should have deferred to historical societies where knife fighting was more common in order to see what kind of designs evolve when knife fighting is a regular occurrence and matter of life and death.
    Oh, wait! I did!
    Perhaps it is YOU that doesn't understand real knife fights.

    8. "You can't compare small folding karambits to giant historical knives!"
    If this was your argument, I applaud you for being way smarter than all of the other arguments thus far.
    Obviously an 18 inch long knife is going to be more effective than a small folding knife. The point is to look at the design elements incorporated. The knife I held up at 2:58 is my EDC. It has a longer blade, more cutting area, better thrusting abilities, and a more reinforced point. It's better than the karambit example in every way and it's still SMALLER and takes up LESS room in my pocket! Even when you account for knives of the same size, karambits still suck.

    9. "You need a karambit with an emerson wave feature! Then it's great!"
    Or you could get a knife that has a wave feature AND is a good weapon. My EDC already has a wave feature, and it's far more effective than a karambit (see number 8).

  2. @lorenluzzi7461 March 21, 2024

    Sounds like you need more training. I have a provoke by Crkt that I love.

  3. @nef36 March 21, 2024

    "Guys who practice against all of the martial arts (also known as mixing, or "mixed" martial arts) don't like things that can't comptete when faced with concepts from other martial arts (many other forms of knife, in this case as shown in the video). Why are they so mean to my mall ninja weapons?"

    "You don't even underastand how these weapons are used in this one single culture who's martial art didn't spread and that I don't practice. How can you be so critical? It's not like fundamentals are universal or anything".

  4. @stinkymccheese8010 March 21, 2024

    the problem with this is that it completely ignores how the karambit is used.

  5. yeah off course these days we need to be prepared for a knife fight any minute.

  6. @mrpink3630 March 21, 2024

    seriously karambit marketing has got all these fat midwestern hillbillys thinking theiyre a ninja,

  7. @mrpink3630 March 21, 2024


  8. You're wrong these type of knife is very deadly and the wounds are lethal and big wounds means less chance of survival rate ,with a normal fix blade most people survived but with a karambit wound is 20 to 15 inches wounds

  9. @martinsanchez3510 March 21, 2024

    Do you been in the service knifes are a important weapon


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